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Parker 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Posts posted by Parker 1st MRB

  1. Well placement matches are based on your hidden MMR/ELO. The way it works is you take your final MMR score from last season and add 1200 to it and divide by 2, this is your new MMR. You play 10 placement matches with your new MMR. Your MMR goes up and down AFTER each game and you play your next game around that MMR. The first matches have a bigger impact on the MMR change so this means that going 2 losses into 8 wins might give you a lower/equal MMR to someone going 7 wins into 3 losses. After your 10 matches you get your MMR and get placed accordingly to it. You are normally placed 1 (maybe 2) divisions under your new MMR so your MMR is high compared to your division. With the max division being Plat I. You are usually placed lower than your MMR so that it is easier to climb out of because you gain more LP per win. The higher your MMR is, the more LP per win you'll get and you can raise your MMR by winning more games than you lose.

    I hope that wasn't too complicated to understand, if you want to know more just ask me :)

  2. Lose - Lose situation here.

    I dislike both teams but if I had to pick one team to win then I'd say the Pats, at least Revis will get a super bowl ring which is something he deserves imo.

    I can't stand Sherman, Wilson is so overrated and reportedly will be the highest paid QB next season (he had such a bad game yesterday), and Lynch (who is outstanding on the field) gets paid millions of dollars for a job that includes giving interviews but he's only "bout dat action" and refuses to talk to anyone. Luke Wilson is the only thing I like about the Seahawks atm.

  3. In regards to people commenting on how this game is pay-to-win

    - Sony said the airdrops will only be cosmetic loot (i.e. skins) but I guess they have useful loot too.

    - You can not server hop in H1Z1, meaning your character is not transferable across servers therefore you can't free farm in empty servers which brings me to my next point.

    - If you call an airdrop chances are you will be killed in a populated server and your shit will be stolen by others.

  4. Yes that's right, fantasy sport has come to League of Legends. I wanted to try this out last season when it was in beta, but only so many people were eligible and I couldn't get in but it looks like this year they have released it to zie public and I've created a 1st MRB community league. If you don't know what fantasy sports is, it allows you to build a dream team of your favorite LCS players and battle your friends in head-to-head matches throughout each LCS split. It's super easy and a lot of fun! Don't be shy to try it out if you are a League of Legends enthusiast.

    More optional reading material

    8 teams is the max we can have in our league so be sure to reply quick if you want a spot. One of the downfalls of fantasy sports is when people go MIA on the league and become inactive, so all I ask is that if you wish to sign up please be committed to the league and be active (it's a heck of lot more fun that way).

    1. Parker

    2. Willow

    3. Kirk

    4. McDowell

    5. Kirkendall

    6. LaGesse

    7. Johnson

    8. Avila

    Reply below if you want to join the league and I'll send you a link on how to join :)

  5. The World Junior Hockey Championship (under 20) just ended and it was hosted in Montreal and Toronto and every game was sold out.

    Slovakia faced Canada and lost 5-1 and if it wasn't for a brilliant effort by their goalie it would have been a much larger gap. At the end of every game the best player from each team is selected and handed an award but to the surprise of many, the best player from Slovakia was a forward rather than the goalie. Here's what happend:

    Denmark faced Canada and lost 8-0, it was a blow out but these are kids and they tried their best. Here's how the canadian crowd responded when the best players were announced for Denmark:

    And finally, Canada faced Russia in the gold medal game and won 5-4 (WOOT WOOT). The best part of the game was this awesomesauce sign:


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