This is a Map Pack of great custom maps for Company of Heroes. There are 28 maps in here, 19 4v4 maps and 9 3v3 maps.
Company of Heroes Custom Map Pack v1.0
1. Put all the files in your My Documents/My Games/Company of Heroes/WW2/Scenarios folder.
2. To launch the game and play these maps you will need to add a developer tag to your launcher (-dev). In other words, whatever you use to launch CoH, right click on that icon go to properties and in the target path put -dev at the end of it. It should look like this "C:Program FilesTHQCompany of HeroesRelicCOH.exe" -dev
3. If you use steam to launch, just click the icon in your games list, go to properties and click set launch option and type in -dev.
4. Launch the game and have fun!