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Parker 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Posts posted by Parker 1st MRB

  1. I didn't quote them for their positive reviews, I quoted them to reinforce each point I made rather than paraphrasing it. The NES changed the way gaming consoles were looked at, it made them extremely fun, popular, and addictive to play which made it profitable and sped up the R&D for future consoles. I would even argue that it revolutionized the controller with its format and simple buttons like start and select which were used in future controllers. Was the N64 more fun to play? For me it was but that's only because I grew up with it at an older age, some would argue that Super Mario 1,2, and 3 are some of the best games ever created (they made a freakin' movie about it but let's not talk about that bad decision haha) and they were all on the NES. Don't get me wrong, if you read my first post you'll see that it was tough for me to decide between the N64 and NES so I'm not writing off the N64, I just don't think it should win this vote hands down

  2. DpO48fi.jpg

    All this talk about Froggen is the best western mid and he's going to obliterate Hai in mid lane. PFFFFTTT Hai rekt Froggen.

    Shook with those builds, getting glacial shroud for the 10% cdr against a 2-man ap team...you know what else has 10% cdr? ANY COMPLETED JUNGLE ITEM!!!

    That game brought me so much joy to watch.

  3. I don't know if N64 wins this hands down. Take a step back and think about which console revolutionized home gaming for future consoles, which console turned every kid into a gaming addict which was a catalyst in the rapid evolution of gaming consoles we have today. The Nintendo Entertainment System did just that.

    Prior to 1985 in the US, Nintendo was a strong name in the arcade with Donkey Kong and it was cleaning up in the toy aisle with its Game & Watch handhelds. But the home console industry was buried under the figurative dust after the industry collapsed on itself, and "videogame" was considered a bad word. Nintendo set to change all that with the Nintendo Entertainment System.


    They took the arcade and brought it into your home with great games which other consoles before it didn't do.

    The NES not only had one of the largest libraries in gaming, but one of the most varied: action, sports, RPGs, shooters, and more were all well represented. Of course, it would be a grave misstep to overlook the home debut of the most important video game in history, Super Mario Bros, a first-party exclusive that made the NES the first true must-have video game console.


  4. Swartz and I were talking about it recently and I wanted to know what you guys and gals thought. I did not add Xbox One or PS4 because it's too early to tell with those consoles and I wasn't able to add more than 20 answers to the poll.

    If you chose other let us know which console and why.

    I had a really tough time deciding between NES, SNES and N64. Nintendo killed the competition with those 3 giants and some people still play N64 because Smash Bros, GoldenEye and Mario Kart are so much fun to play with friends. In the end, I had to go with the one that started it all which was the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES).

    P.s. PlayStation 2 was up there for me too.

    P.s.s. I'll make another poll in the future about the best game for the console that wins this poll.

  5. You should really take a look at Logitech's new G series products (G is for gaming), a lot of pro gamers use it and really like it. Here is the website for Logitech G Series. I've recently started looking into new keyboards/mice myself and have really been interested in Logitechs cool toys. I currently have the razer mamba mouse and the razer deathstalker keyboard (I had the blackwidow but it broke). I notice the razer products break down on you very quickly, like within a year or so. I've had the deathstalker for two years now without any problems so I'll give it that. The mice on the other hand are another story, this is my second mamba and I think the right click button is already giving out on me (sometimes it double clicks when I click once). I should add that I don't abuse my gaming products (unlike Jablonski when he plays LoL), I don't slam them or throw them. Maybe I've just had bad luck with razer :(

    Anyways, here are some of the things I've been looking into:

    G402 and G502 mice


    G710 and G19 keyboards


    G430 and G35 headsets


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