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Parker 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Posts posted by Parker 1st MRB

  1. What are the chances that the two teams I was rooting for at the beginning of the world cup are now in the finals. This is a tough one for me, I'm part German so I want to root for Germany but one of my favorite players is Messi who I want to win the World Cup so that people can finally crown him as the best player. The World Cup is the only thing he hasn't won yet. Can I root for both? Idk...

  2. I hear the Canadiens are going to make the deal of the season in the next 24/48 hours. Probably for Stastny. Could be lies and propaganda but my source is usually very reliable :)

    Lol Statsny is not going to Montreal.

    Let me run down the list for you.

    Paul Statsny - It's now fit and money for him and he has three options: 1) resign with Colorado; 2) Sign with St. Louis where he grew up and can go deep into the playoffs; 3) Hit the lottery and go for the team that offers the most money with the longest term. He will likely re-sign with Colorado, they have the cap room and he's most comfortable there.

    Jarome Ignila - Ignila wants to return to Boston and the Bruins want him back but Boston has extreme cap issues so it's doubtful he will be able to re-sign there. Because of their cap issues, they've already kicked tires on Radim Vrbata as a replacement for Ignila. Ignila will be giving a list of teams to his agent on July 1st but no one knows where he wants to play. Obviously he's looking for a team that has a chance to win the Cup and teams that have expressed the most interest in him so far are Detroit, Tampa Bay, and Minnesota. There are a lot of moving parts here, no one knows if it will be a one year deal or a two year deal, it all depends on each team's needs.

    Thomas Vanek - All signs point to Vanek rejoining his buddy Pominville and signing with Minnesota, but it won't come cheap, they are looking at spending 40 mil for 5 years. The Wild have already reached out to him on Sunday and apparently they are pushing hard to sign him.

    Matt Niskanen - Most sought after UFA dman, he's gonna get between 6-6.5 mil for probably a 7 year deal. Lots of teams that are interested in him, at the top of the list is Tampa Bay who cleared a lot of cap space to bolster their blueline. If Tampa doesn't get Niskanen, they might land Dan Boyle. There are reports that Minnesota have already reached out to Niskanen’s camp so have the Red Wings, who are reportedly prepared to offer a seven-year deal.

    Dan Boyle - He wants a two year deal probably at 5 mil or better. He gave his agent a list of 5 teams that he wants to sign with, that list includes: Tampa Bay, Toronto, Montreal, Detroit, and New York Rangers.

    Anton Stralman - The Rangers look like they won't re-sign him, they'll make one last push but he can and will get more term and money elsewhere, probably around 5 mil/year.

    Christian Ehrhoff - Recently bought out by Buffalo but that doesn't mean he's gonna take a pay cut. He's looking for a team that will compete for the Cup, teams like Anaheim, Tampa Bay, Pittsburgh. He's said to be looking for 25 mil for 5 years (5 mil/year).

    Ryan Miller - There are not a lot of teams where Miller is gonna be the starting goalie so he's only looking at a handful of teams. The biggest interest is Vancouver, they have the cap space and family wise he's close to LA where his wife works as an actress. He recently visited Vancouver for a good amount of time which suggests both parties have a strong interest in getting a deal done.

    Jason Spezza - This is a little bit different, he's not a free agent but he wants a trade. His value and destination will be determined heavily by where Paul Statsny ends up. St. Louis and Dallas are the most interested in getting a center, so if they can't land Statsny for money then they'll probably go after Spezza for pieces and picks.

    Mike Cammalleri - Calgary has offered him a deal but he hasn't taken it yet which might suggest he wants to go to free agency. It seems like he's looking for term and money rather than a Cup at this point. I haven't heard much about him yet.

  3. Chomps on his shoulder.


    Shows the ref.


    Has bite marks


    But no red cards.

    FIFA is a joke. Video review isn't allowed, challenges aren't allowed, overturning isn't allowed. If he doesn't get suspended for 20 games or more I'd be shocked. NO ONE SHOULD EVER BITE SOMEONE and he didn't even get sent off, he played on as if nothing happened. He's done this twice before...

    Theme song of today's events

  4. Ya I'm not sure if Netherlands will make it that far but they have looked better than expected. The Dutch are one of the teams I'm rooting for because of a Canadian connection, Jonathan de Guzmán was born and raised in Toronto :D

    I think Germany, Italy, Argentina, and Brazil have a really good chance at winning it this year. You can't blame Brazil for their result against Mexico, the score should have been 3-0 for them, Guillermo Ochoa played one of the best games by a keeper in World Cup history.

    Check out this cool fan art:


    ROW 1:

    Brazil: Brazil unleashes the Hulk in the midfield

    Mexico: Mexican Venom

    Cameroon: CamerouNova

    Croatia: Cro-Cyclops

    ROW 2:

    Netherlands: The Dutch out for Carnage

    Chile: The Chilean Wonder Woman

    Australia: Kangaroo and the Socceroo’s

    Spain: The Spanish God of Thunder

    ROW 3:

    Colombia: The Colombian spidey senses are tingling

    Ivory Coast: The Green Lantern lights the way for the Ivory Coast

    Japan: Batman in Japan

    Greece: Colossus straight from the Greek Coliseum

    ROW 4:

    Costa Rica: Surfer surfs up in Costa Rica

    Uruguay: Groot and Rocket Raccoon, the Guardians of Uruguay

    Italy: It’s a bird, it’s a plane…

    England: The fourth lion is a wolverine

    ROW 5:

    France: The French Gambit, mon Cherie

    Switzerland: The Swiss Flash

    Honduras: Bow down to Magneto and Honduras

    Ecuador: Hawkman and Hawkgirl flying high for Ecuador

    ROW 6:

    Argentina: Use your Brainiac Argentina

    Iran: Robin swings in with Iran

    Nigeria: Nigeria gets Fantastic with Mr. Fantastic

    Bosnia and Herzegovina: The Beast of Bosnia and Herzegovina

    ROW 7:

    Germany: The German Doctor Doom will crush the opposition

    United States: Captain America… who else?

    Ghana: Professor X is Ghana read your mind

    Portugal: Comply or be destroyed by Portuguese Sentinel

    ROW 8:

    Russia: The Russian Phoenix

    Belgium: The Belgian Ironman

    Ageria: Algerian Martian Manhunter hunting down a title

    South Korea: The Kingpin of Korea

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