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Parker 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Posts posted by Parker 1st MRB

  1. To Be honest feels like a reskin of BF4 with cops and robbers

    My thoughts exactly when I first played it, they took away armies and added cops and robbers instead. The objectives are captured the same way, someone plants a bomb and defends it until it explodes, the only real difference in this game is that you get money for completing objectives and you can upgrade your weapons and gear buy using the money you obtained. I'm pretty sure I won't buy the game, it wasn't exactly what I expected, I thought it was going to be a little more like Payday.

  2. This year's world cup will be fun to watch because I don't think there's a true favorite, anyone can win it. It'd be nice to see Brazil win it on their own turf but they'll have to go through some pretty tough competition to do it. I doubt Spain will have the same success they did four years ago and the US team looks a little too young and inexperienced to do much against Germany and Portugal to get out of the group stages.

    John Oliver's bang-on take of FIFA is exactly the reason I hate it and yet still watch it.

  3. It's nothing that needs working on, it's just server lag. You guys may have also noticed that ventrilo was also having the same problems as the private server, this is no coincidence. The private server and ventrilo server are both located in St. Louis so you can assume that the server provider was lagging. When the server provider is the cause of the lag, the only thing that can fix the issue is time and usually the lag will subside after 10-60 minutes depending on the severity.

    In the future, if the private server is lagging, check to see if our ventrilo server is lagging, if it is then you can safely assume that the server provider is the cause and that there is nothing we can do to fix it. Normally lag coming from their end is due to weather or administration issues, either way the solution is out of our hands.

    It's not a big issue and we hardly ever experience enough lag to consider a permanent fix (not that there is one anyways). Hopefully now everyone is a little more informed to understand what is happening and how to handle it if the server ever lags again. Thanks for letting us know what happened.

  4. Pretty cool fan art made by the guys at cityfolk.ca.

    It features two of the most important figures in this upcoming series - the goalies.


    And then there's this which is pretty cool too.


    But then there are people who take the East coast versus West coast thing a little too far..


    Ah yes Drew Doughty taunts the Chicago Blackhawks bench after winning the

    Western Conference Final, but it might be the Blackhawks who get the last laugh.

    Stay classy LA...I'm Ron Burgundy?

  5. I like the Rangers a little bit more now then I did before for a couple of reasons:

    1. They fired Torts.

    2. They acquired Marty.

    3. I'm a fan of the King.

    4. I want an original six team to win.

    5. They beat Montreal.

    So yea, I want them to win.

  6. I think he is referring to choking because LA was up 3-1 in the series, and now the series is tied 3-3 with a game 7 finisher. Their was no excuse for LA to not be able to finish the series (at least from what I saw in the games personally). That being said the Blackhawks better win it, I don't like LA teams. However I want the Rangers to win it all.

    I know what he's referring to, it's not like LA is facing the Sharks or the Ducks. Chicago is a well rounded team with superstars and Corey Crawford is like 7-0 in elimination games, Chicago is far from a team that goes quietly. You can't call LA choke artists if they lose to Chicago, let's be honest here no other team in the West has a better chance to beat Chicago then the Kings or the Blues (and we saw what they did to the Blues).

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