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Parker 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Posts posted by Parker 1st MRB

  1. Are the bullshit memes about him asking to be out back in the game after his cardiac arrest actually true then?

    Yup, those are true. When Lindy Ruff, his coach, asked him how he was feeling after his heart started beating regularly again, Rich Peverley asked him how many minutes are left in the period and if he could return. Those are hockey players for ya!

  2. Why can't people make a joke, and it just be a joke-everyone takes stuff too seriously-- Plus Candy knows he ain't no brown noser

    Had you come up with an original joke then it'd probably be funnier but it's the same thing over and over and over, every time someone does something to show pride people (not just you) say they're a brown noser. If someone gets made fun of every time they do something cool like this, eventually people will stop doing cool things just to avoid a brown noser comment. It's a dumb "joke".

    Anyways, let's get back on track.


  3. Beautiful, really!Can we now wipe that brown off your face lol

    JK good job Candy

    Why can't someone be proud of being in the 1st MRB without being called a brown noser? Is there a problem with having pride and being happy to be apart of something great? C'mon man...

  4. Each time I submitted a WWII joke of the month and Parker rejected them because they were over the line. LOL

    I always wondered why they were so lame. Kekekeke

    Sorry for trying to be politically correct <_<

    *takes his ball and goes home*

  5. Join us as we celebrate the 1st Marine Raider Battalion's
    Five Year Anniversary!

    Scheduled Events

    Monday Night Realism Night
    Event Type: Public event open to all
    Date: March 17th, 2014
    Time: 6pm EST - All night
    Location: Private Server

    Gun Game Night
    Event Type: Open to BAR
    Date: March 18th, 2014
    Time: 7pm EST - All night
    Location: Private Server

    Hide n' Seek Night
    Event Type: Open to BAR
    Date: March 19th, 2014
    Time: 7pm EST - All night
    Location: Private Server

    Custom Night Fight Night
    Event Type: Public event open to all
    Date: March 20th, 2014
    Time: 7pm EST - All night
    Location: Public Server

    Anniversary Night
    Event Type: Closed event, 1st MRB only
    Date: March 21st, 2014
    Time: 9pm EST - All night
    Location: Private Server
  6. Another year, another try at the MLS Cup! I'm not sure if there are any MLS fans out there but if there are any, which team do you support? It comes as no surprise that I support my home team Toronto FC. They haven't had much success since entering MLS but this year should be a big improvement. A front office change for the team payed off for us fans who now get to watch international stars like Jermain Defoe, Michael Bradley, Gilberto, and Julio Cesar. Now comes the hard part, making all this promise work on the field.


  7. Receiving admin w/ rather and not knowing how to use correctly in the pub.....all chaos ensued which lead to everything being blamed on rather.

    "Ban him, BAN HIM!"

    "HOW LONG?!?!"





    "HOW LONG?!?!!1!1!11"

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