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Parker 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Posts posted by Parker 1st MRB

  1. Ummmm I think they forgot what game they were supposed to be playing haha.

    What happened was Calgary started the game with their 4th line. Generally, the 4th line is your energy/checking line filled with a bunch of tough guys. An unwritten rule in hockey, or a code, is that you never start the game with your 4th line because you're basically suggesting you want to fight. Instead of sending out their more talented players to defuse the situation, as a precaution for their star players Vancouver sent out their 4th line in response and BOOM goes the dynamite.

  2. Ok fine, I'll explain it in Swedish so everyone can understand.

    Det som hände var att det gröna laget hade vunnit i matchen 3-0. Så de trodde att de skulle göra sig rolig genom att gå till deras sida, men samtidigt var det ett ansikte av i de vita team zone.And i SHL regler om linjen domaren blåser i visselpipan får du 5 sekunder för att komma i läge för möta upp men eftersom den gröna laget var på deras sida de werent deltar i ansiktet av så det vita laget vände bort av sig själva. Och med det sättet gjorde ett mål sedan den gröna tiden werent uppmärksamma lol, ganska svårt att förklara.

  3. Congrats!

    P.s. I think it's a MRB trend for people to have kids while in the unit, you're like the ninth one haha!

    I think it may just be a trend where people who are able and willing to reproduce usually do...

    NO! I refuse your logic and replace it with my own.


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