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Parker 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Posts posted by Parker 1st MRB

  1. Yes they are both currently down. They share the same server in St. Louis so that explains both of them being down at the same time. I can not control the host provider's servers so all we can do is wait for them to come back up. I've just submitted a ticket so we'll see what happens. Hopefully, they'll be back up in time for sniper MOS.

  2. Unban request denied.

    Just so there is no misunderstanding, Roussel does not have admin, he personally muted you because you were eating with your mic keyed in ventrilo and he told you to stop before he muted you. Calling someone a faggot is disrespectful and we, as you know, have zero tolerance for disrespect.

    Also, before the incident occurred you were talking about potentially being banned for doing something problematic. It may have been in jest but the events that occurred after that are hard to look past.

  3. So Varlamov and the Avalanche are looking pretty good right now.

    Meh...Leafs didn't show up tonight. The Avs have a lot of holes in their play that will catch up with them soon. It's a long season and they are a young team, statistics will prevail.

  4. Leafs won WOOOT!!!! 3-0-0, Colorado you're next!

    I will say the League needs to take those spin-o-rama shootout moves out of the game. I'm a Leafs fan and I can admit the Mason Raymond goal tonight should not have counted, but hey 2 pts so WOOHOOO!

    P.s. I am officially on TEAM BERNIER!


  5. Guys... she probably ran for help. Ever think about that?

    lol...and never came back HAHAHAHAHA!!! Quarterman is the best!

    What if she got hit by another car a couple blocks away while looking for help, and is now laying in a coma in a hospital listed as a Jane Doe because she left all her ID behind for the cops to know who she was????

    I must commend you for having a very active imagination. However, your theory is improbable.

    Well come on....we can't just assume she fled the scene to save her ass. =P

    Or can we. Also, this quote is getting bigger and bigger.

  6. It'd be interesting to see Seattle get a team I wonder what they'd be called.

    Seattle Seahawks?....Oh wait.

    Seattle Metropolitans (use to be their pro team in 1915-24)

    Seattle Totems

    Seattle Thunderbirds

    Seattle Sockeyes

    Seattle Cascades

    Seattle Starbucks????

    Seattle Metropolitans Logo:


    I like the name, the logo would probably be updated. The colors seem very similar to the Minnesota Wild, but I'm sure they'd figure something out. Expansions (even though Im against it since 85% of the League is losing money) are going to happen in the future, hence why the new conference setup has two vacant spots in it. I think it'll be Quebec City and Seattle if they do expand.

  7. Hockey is an inherently dangerous sport. It's people skating around a slick surface at high speeds, wearing plastic gear, intentionally colliding with one another, chasing a dense rubber puck (which flies around at high speeds), WITH blades attached to there feet that are clearly capable of killing someone.

    Fighting is part of the game.

    Send that to Steve Yzerman (my all-time favorite player along with Mario Lemieux) who wants fighting out of hockey.

    I miss the talk about concussions, at least they didn't talk about fighting then...

  8. I'm so sick of people bitching about fighting. Fighting is part of the game, it doesn't matter if you take fighting out of the game there will still be freak accidents.

    There always has to be something to bitch about, first icing and now fighting...

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