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Parker 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Parker 1st MRB

  1. ....soooooo no to the bike? Seriously, you won't die. If it was frozen then you're good to go, but if it wasn't then the worst that could happen is you'll get sick for one night.
  2. That's not true, it started when Patrick Roy was asked a question from a news reporter whether he would take the job in Montreal, he said he would definitely answer any phone calls they make to him. Nothing was said by the Montreal Canadiens. I don't think they'd want him as a coach anyways, if anything he'd be a good GM.
  3. Montreal announced the hiring of Marc Bergevin as the new GM. Interesting, he has no experience as a GM so we'll see how he'll do. I wanna see what his first big move is gonna be, that's how you can get a grasp on how well they're gonna do as GM.
  4. When you die, can I have your bike?
  5. Ummm the preds just suspended Radulov and Kostitsyn for game 3 for breaking team rules. The fuck? EDIT: I just found out the team suspended them because they were out in Scottsdale till 4am before game 2. OH SNAP!
  6. It was't Phoenix who beat them, it was Mike Smith.
  7. That's why I said I saw it in a dream....dreams aren't real Panda GEEEEZZZ.
  8. Dumb shit like this needs to be in the Slope Chute guys, not the Mess Hall.
  9. Miami and New York in the East San Antonio and Oklahoma in the West I have seen this in my dreams.
  10. "I don't like none of this fetish porn, just give me the straight up DP." -M. Swartz
  11. WHAT....THE.....FUCK?!?!?!?!?!?!??!
  12. Type in "zerg rush" in google. Report back.
  13. The sounds he makes at 2:32-2:35 when he does his funny fake trick is just priceless. I want to get an audio file of that, put it on the pub and play it everytime someone gets stabbed.
  14. Devils won 2-1. Bye bye Florida. Western Conference Semi-Finals St. Louis Blues vs. Los Angeles Kings Phoenix Coyotes vs. Nashville Predators Eastern Conference Semi-Finals New York Rangers vs. Washington Capitals Philadelphia Flyers vs. New Jersey Devils My predictions: LA vs. Nashville in the west Rangers vs. Flyers in the east
  15. Rangers just won, YES! I hate those dirty Sens.
  16. Great job Martinez, awesome awesome stuff man. Really nice sounding falsetto which is hard to do. One thing I did notice, just remember when you're at that threshold between your modal voice and falsetto, make sure you don't push too hard in the upper register of your modal voice. Sometimes its best to have a light falsetto than a forced higher register. You only did that at like two parts though, the rest of your song was fantastic.
  17. The Caps just beat the Bruins....THANK GOD!
  18. That is all.
  19. 1/10 The iPod should not be there! jk I'll give it an 8.5/10 for the hot girl and the faded logo.
  20. I like my desktop clean.
  21. Engle I know you love yourself so much but give Tate a break at these vids jk Great vid as usual Tité (that can be your director name), awesome music, great transitions, and I loved the strobe effects.
  22. Parker 1st MRB


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