I didn't call you gay I asked if you were gay because the norm in the society we live in, whether you agree with it or not, would dictate that show being for little girls as you put it. I'm glad you found something to bring you out of dark times in your life and I was merely just curious why you love that show. I'm not ignorant, I'm realistic.
Greetings Uffz. Schleicher,
The scrim request is much appreciated and I'll be sure to have our Public Affairs Officer contact you to set up the match.
Lt. Col. Parker
Ban time is reduced from permanent to 5 days. In 5 days you'll be able to play in our servers again. If you team kill again and get banned, don't even bother to post an unban request.
I wasn't able to watch it live, but I saw some highlights. Jon "Bones" Jones is an absolute champ, there is no one that can stand up to him right now. My god we need GSP and Jones at the same weight to determine the real champ of UFC. I'm happy Evans got the shit kicked out of him after all that talk.
420, 4:20, or 4/20 (pronounced four-twenty) refers to the consumption of cannabis and, by extension, a way to identify oneself with cannabis subculture. Observances based on the number include the time (4:20 pm) as well as the date April 20th.
I didn't read the article but I'm pretty sure those aren't circulated coins, there was only one time where there was color on our coins and that was a Remembrance Day (Veteran's Day for Americans) coin that had a red poppy on it. I think those are just commemorative coins but like I said I didn't read the article so I could be wrong.
You had your chances and apologizing every time you mess up just ain't gonna fly anymore. 2ndLt. Zahl gave you his answer already which I support, you are to remain banned.
Topic closed.
Oh I will and it'll probably go off this weekend.
It was only closed off for two hours, we were able to go back in right after they put the fire out and made sure everything was A-OK.