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Parker 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Parker 1st MRB

  1. Another Tateful video. Good jerb!
  2. Happy Anniversary guys, 3 fucking years WOOT!
  3. Topic revived due to awesomesauceness!
  4. I don't know what that is but that would be a highly inaccurate gun! I would still want one.
  5. Broncos have won the Peyton Manning sweepstakes! Who's he throwing to? Decker? Thomas?
  6. Event Dates and Times: Soccer(Football) Tourney [1st MRB Only] - March 21st after the unit meeting in the private server Friday Night Fight Night [Open] - March 23rd at 7pm EST in the public server Gun Game Night [1st MRB/BAR] - March 24th at 8pm EST in the private server Hide and Seek [1st MRB/BAR]- March 25th at 4pm EST in the private server
  7. Well because I got a new computer I lost all my work. I had a couple of projects I was working on for the 1st MRB and here's what I had uploaded on youtube, it's only the intro but I thought I'd share it with you anyways. The intro was done using After Effects and the video editing was used with Vegas Pro.
  8. Why bring a crossbow to a gun fight? That's just gonna get you killed.
  9. Happy Birthday
  10. Not a fan of the music, but cool vid effects nonetheless.
  11. I wanted to know what you guys thought about leaving your computer on. Is it good or bad?
  12. Sounds like my first real upgrade will be an OCZ 120GB SSD. Thanks guys!
  13. This picture was actually our website banner when we started the 1st MRB.
  14. Classic Branem, making a video about EV-ER-Y-TING! I love it, cool effects on the text.
  15. I'm running on 1900x1200
  16. I was 5-5 at the beginning of January because of a ton of injuries. I finished the season 14-7 (should have been 15-6, but a win was taken away somehow...)
  17. Just got a new comp today and wanted some insight on it from you computer geniuses. Windows 7 64-bit HAF 912 Asus P8Z68-V LX Nvidia GeForce GTX560 Intel i7 2600K LiteON DVDRW WD Caviar Black 1TB Corsair Vengeance 8GB ULTRA LSP 550W Power Supply 1 year warranty on all the parts Total: $1,100 I will be adding another GTX560 and an additional 8GB of RAM in the future.
  18. Watkis is on a 4-game winning streak suggesting his players are on fire right now, so I'll give him the win. Engle, on the other hand, is on a 5-game losing streak because of injury so I gotta give the win to Gooderham.
  19. Note the spelling mistake in the picture.
  20. What a powerful message. Thanks for posting Yama.
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