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Parker 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Parker 1st MRB

  1. Generation Kill was an amazing series.
  2. I'm confused by the topic, the title says Non custom maps. The content says people can't download custom maps on our servers and that you want a good rar program? Can you elaborate so I can better answer what questions you have. Also, if people can't download custom maps let me know asap and let me know which ones.
  3. DAAAAAAAAAAMNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!1!!1!111!1!!!!1111ONE
  4. Hey I can sign myself up thank you very much. Sign me up!
  5. Was that Bane and Catwoman? Where's Ra's Al Ghul, I heard he'd be in it too?
  6. Hitting nips is for pussies, I go for the eyeballs.
  7. That's why this contest should never be started. You just can't beat true retardation.
  8. I thought of this song when I read the title of your topic.
  9. Way to go Dawson, you just got this topic moved to the Slope Chute...
  10. The ranking was only down for today and it was because I changed the rcon password to the server and never updated the gameMe account. Major Yamagata and I have resolved the issue and HLStatsX is working again.
  11. Yes with you it was all the serious stuff, but actually I made some fun skits with others you don't know about. You'll have to wait until it's completely done. And thanks for the responses guys, there are some really great songs in here.
  12. I need some song suggestions for a video I'm making. Please refrain (as hard as it might be) from posting songs because they're your favorite and you'd want them in a video. I'm looking for songs that would go well with the type of promo vids the video techs have been making. I need some serious songs, up beat songs, fun songs, and just flat out epic song suggestions from you guys. I'm kinda running out of ideas and it's always best to get input from the future audience Let's see some suggestions l l l v
  13. Not sure what the sig has to do with but I love that game and I dig those effects so 9/10
  14. I uploaded the map on the private server the day I saw this post and I forgot to reply, oops
  15. That was actually a pretty bad ass trailer. That was all done in After Effects, the best part was the destroyed look to North America on the globe. Great FX!
  16. Well I officially crown Thomas unit retard for two months!
  17. Cheer for the Canucks.
  18. You've got some great pipes Martinez, I really enjoyed every video. I do notice that your song choices are great, but not a perfect match for you voice. You have a great crooners type of voice similar to Matt Dusk, Gene Kelly, Michael Buble, etc... I would try songs like Singin' in the Rain, Feeling Good, Home, Fly Me to the Moon, and so on. I think you'll find you'll have a nice vibrato with these songs because of the tone of your voice. Just a suggestion, keep doing what you love!
  19. Yager I'm actually serious, if you're gonna start trolling again then leave. Everyone KNEW it might happen, but it wasn't official it was just a rumor and rumors have a tendency to be untrue. It will be announced today that it's happening for sure. It also means that if HBO does another Road to the Winter Classic season, I get to watch my team behind the scenes. Awesome.
  20. Sousa posing for Leonardo DiCaprio on the Titanic:
  21. Sousa's driver's license photo. Unit retard of the month: And after he ate too many baconators: Sousa's face after he found out he was voted unit retard: Sousa trying to eat a cookie as the unit retard: Sousa driving to school: Sousa's steam profile pic:
  22. I'll be there for sure. I already know what I'm going to do, a bunch of my friends and I are gonna celebrate New Years in Windsor and then just head over to the game the next day. FUCK YES! I'm so happy right now, this FUCKING ROCKS!!!!!!!!!1!1!111ONE
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