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Parker 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Parker 1st MRB

  1. BURN HIM! *grabs pitchfork*
  2. And it actually has a button that allows the engine to burp when you rev it. Sounds so amazing.
  3. So many possibilities...
  4. So a canucks fan put together a biased video. I didn't know Michael Moore was from Vancouver. P.s. I'm NOT a Bruins fan, they're in my division and piss in my cheerios all the time.
  5. Didn't you watch the video? It was appraised at 1.15 million which is surprisingly low imo.
  6. Did she piss herself?
  7. I've seen this already. I would probably not be able to do that because I'd be just as drunk as my friend, but we don't drive drunk anyways...we walk drunk!
  8. That does not belong on these forums....EVER!
  9. "A genuine leader is not a searcher for consensus but a molder of consensus." -Martin Luther King Jr.
  10. Happy Birthday Tité!
  11. Yea it must be easy making picks when you know half the results already
  12. What the fuck did I just watch?
  13. Wow ok Rick Perry has 3 things to say about that, uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh the EPA. Oops.
  14. Saints/Patriots/Ravens/Packers <---- winning picks right there.
  15. I have a 50 Sith Sorcerer and I'm currently doing some end game stuff atm. PvP is really all I'm doing, I haven't touched raids yet because I'm still waiting on a few people to hit 50.
  16. Rick Perry has three things to say about that, the uh uh uh uh EPA. Oops.
  17. You went to a chocolate bar? Well I only have one thing to say about that - niiice! On subject, I love anything WWI and WWII so it sounds amazing. Can you purchase firearms and knives there? For example, would I be able to buy a M1 and a stiletto knife? If so, I'm a little jealous that I can't go.
  18. I know the producer so they already gave me a copy of the video. It's awesome.
  19. Why are you trolling? Do you secretly like dubstep? Everyone has different tastes in music, it's called subjectivity and it's what makes us human. It's not my favorite kind of music but I'm not going to go around telling people they're wrong for liking it.
  20. The video below is like a cowbell for me and this thread can use more cowbell.
  21. I'd hit that, but that's it. She's too crazy.
  22. Brady and the Pats will bring him back down to earth this weekend.
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