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Parker 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Parker 1st MRB

  1. Quote thread material. I laughed at that.
  2. Parker 1st MRB


    Even though there's a ton of information missing, I'm surprisingly ok with this brief description. GO LEAFS GO!
  3. I admit I watched the whole video, but I can't remember the song. I was looking at that ass the entire time.
  4. HAHAHAHAHA awesome!
  5. Please read the above post, it's a sea vagina. That is all.
  6. What is this post about exactly?
  7. 2 for 2 so far, just saying.
  8. Texans/Saints/Falcons/Steelers
  9. "Clearly you don't understand anything about defeating trolls." HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
  10. The server is back online. Enjoy! Signed, The Command Staff
  11. UPDATE: THE PUBLIC SERVER IS BACK AND RUNNING, HAPPY FRAGGIN'! At this time, our server providers are doing a rare maintenance on their servers. We will keep you updated on the progress and I apologize for any inconvenience they may cause you and your fragging needs. Signed, The Command Staff
  12. So Engle when are you gonna thank Tate for making the video? GEEZ it's always about you, LOL!
  13. That has to be fake, what the fuck is that? EDIT: It's a sea vagina that ejaculates and explodes when you pour coke on it.
  14. Haxors.
  15. Ummm Sweden is playing Russia in the gold medal game not Canada.... Finland played Canada for the bronze medal today at 3:30 ET, Canada won 4-0.
  16. Lucky, but still gotta give him props on that one.
  17. Well you can try to take away my title next year because I AM THE CHAMP for the 2011/2012 season!!!!!!!! I'd like to thank the Football Gods, my parents, Jesus, Moses, that guy from Who's the Boss, James Bond, the creators of Family Guy, Gobias Industries, Chuck Norris and Jack Bauer for all their support. Without them none of this could be possible.
  18. Get back already geez!
  19. I'll put 50 bucks on the guy from the 1st MRB winning it.
  20. Nothing is better than some classic rock. Hendrix, Zeppelin, Who, Beatles, Clapton, Stones, Eagles, Dylan, Floyd, AC/DC, Def Leppard, and Guns N' Roses. Music today ain't what it used to be.
  21. I rated this topic poor....to test it out of course
  22. Calm down people, I said I was fixing it. It takes time, the servers should be up and running now. If it shuts down again let me know and take note on when, where, and how is shut down.
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