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Parker 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Parker 1st MRB

  1. Happy Birthday Smitty! P.s. "Chill"
  2. Were you laughing to mask the fact that you wish you had him on your team? You can beat the Leafs all you want, it's about making the playoffs. Just remember at this time last year Atlanta aka your Jets were tied for 1st Place in the East, but by the end of the season they finished 12th... Cheers!
  3. I'm working on it.
  4. Thanks for your interest in wanting to scrim with us, however at this time we are fully booked with realisms, pub events, unit activities and have no time for a match.
  5. Great vid. Lafy does bring up a good point, our knowledge on how to utilize thorium might not be sophisticated enough to implement immediate substitution for uranium.
  6. HAHAHAHAHA! Next time she'll know not to jump up and down on her little stand.
  7. Happy bday!
  8. Favoring the ladies? I put you on there didn't I?
  9. Agreed, in game Goodwin follows you around while trying to hump your leg. It's kinda weird.
  10. That's a vid of Engle and Legend.
  11. Yea sorry I forgot to put her name on there.
  12. This.
  13. Parker 1st MRB


    That's what happens to you if you get a demerit.
  14. I can not confirm nor deny this.
  15. Who be it?
  16. Thanks bud, anything is always appreciated. Cheers!
  17. Hax. Nice vid svenska Elf.
  18. Yay Tité, Pulp Fiction WOOT! Great vid.
  19. What....The.....FUCK!!!!!1!!1!11111ONEone
  20. Happy Birthday Berg! Far far far lamm.
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