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Parker 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Parker 1st MRB

  1. Really cool vid
  2. "Fag is a perfectly legit word, so the post is gay." - Jones 1st MRB
  3. Broncos/Chargers Tebow made a believer out of me. When he throws, he throws like a girl but I still watch it.
  4. Hats for TF2.
  5. Yea did you hear Torts yell "Flying elbow" when there was no elbow lol.
  6. Indeed.
  7. Haha fucking cinnamon challenge.
  8. Indiana Jones series was better. Cue Magoo in 5...4...3...2...1...
  9. Maines watch the episode and then you'll know, I posted the first episode on the original post. You're welcome to those that don't have HBO.
  10. Yea I have but what does it have to do with this thread?
  11. I just killed a tiger in China.
  12. This is like the seventh time this video has been posted on the forums.....
  13. HBO's 24/7 Road to the Winter Classic: Flyers vs. Rangers Preview Episode 1 It starts tonight at 10pm ET on HBO. I CAN'T WAIT!
  14. The topic didn't say best 27 seconds of your life Dillon, geez read much?
  15. Not a problem, best of luck with your new unit.
  16. That weather site knows everything! Apparently too much, it told me I was no good in DoDS.
  17. Thanks for stopping by, I'll tell the 1st Ranger Battalion you said hello.
  18. This is a dream for anyone who has played pond hockey, how beautiful is this:
  19. That's exactly what's wrong with minor league hockey parents these days.
  20. Did you just refer to your parents as dogs? That's something a child should never see.
  21. Hellz yeah! I love C&C games, it's about time they came out with Generals 2. CoH:2 comes out tomorrow, I can't wait for that too.
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