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Parker 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Parker 1st MRB

  1. Stone cold.
  2. Hahahaha!!!.....I hate you
  3. I stand corrected. This topic sums up Gooderham and Smithers.
  4. This topic sums up Gooderham.
  6. Fucking Catalina wine mixer.
  7. I speakah English. Born and raised. I speakah French. Speak it fluently. I speakah Italian. Speak it fluently. I speakah German. Took it for 8 years. I speakah Latin. Took it for 5 years. I can read and write most Latin. I speakah Spanish. Never studied it. Romance languages (Italian, French, Spanish) are very similar so I can understand and get my way around the language fairly easy.
  8. Simply amazing.
  9. Touché.
  10. Ford don't you have another topic to troll and be a dick in like the "Will he do it" topic?
  11. Ignorant about what? How is stating that you are not a sports fan but rather a football fan ignorant? Sure you may like hockey and know something about it, but do you know anything about soccer? baseball? tennis? golf? rugby? I would assume probably not since you only posted football as your "top 5" favorite sports. Elder next time you feel like calling me ignorant, look up the definition first. Kthnxbye.
  12. Not a sports fan. A sports fan would mean you like and know everything about every pro sport like me. Maybe a football fan but then again I haven't talked to you about it so I don't actually know how much you know about football.
  13. What is that strange word? Is it Hebrew? I didn't know you were jewish, well then shalom good friend.
  14. What's up with Clay putting out a hit on Tara. Jax will become the hulk and destroy everything in sight if she dies.
  15. He had that shit coming, you don't bring whores that have guns to the club house.
  16. Ridin' through this wooorrrrld
  17. Half sack is still alive I tell you!
  18. I was confused by the title of the topic, is it Brown's birthday or Magic's? Ok I just checked the front page so Happy Birthday BROWN!
  19. It's chill. SoA started again!
  20. GO LEAFS GO! Kessel is overachieving and I'm loving every minute of it.
  21. MY LIST Top 5 favorite sports in order: 1. Hockey 2. Baseball 3. Football 4. Basketball 5. Soccer Top 5 favorite sports teams in order: 1. Toronto Maple Leafs 2. Toronto Blue Jays 3. Inter Milan 4. Toronto Raptors 5. Philadelphia Eagles Those are my favs, what are yours?
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