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About Downs

  • Birthday 06/20/1987

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  • Weapon of Choice
    STG44 (Sturmgewehr)

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Forum Charlatan (17/91)



  1. That is the coolest thing I have seen in a long time.
  2. Nice video. I like your Axis skins. The music...Well...cough...
  3. https://news.yahoo.com/asbestos-pushed-asia...-071234063.html Thats the link to a news article that really shocked me. We all know here in America and most other modern Countries that Asbestos is a killer. It causes Cancer among other illnesses. Its a well documented and studied fact. Yet there are still Corporations mass producing this crap and selling it to poor people in 3rd world countries. The CEO's of these corporations and businesses should frankly in my opinion be shot. What people are willing to do to other human beings in the name of profit really shocks me.
  4. I thought this was interesting, I pulled it from Wikipedia....Williams was an avid enthusiast of video games and named two of his children after game characters. He named his daughter after Princess Zelda from The Legend of Zelda action-adventure game series.[69][70][71] They both have been featured in an ad for the Nintendo 3DS remake of The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time.[72] His son may have been named after Cody from the beat 'em up game Final Fight.[73] He also enjoyed pen-and-paper role-playing games and online video games, playing Warcraft 3, Day of Defeat, Half-Life,[74] and the first-person shooter Battlefield 2 as a sniper.[75] He was also previously a fan of the Wizardry series of role-playing video games.[ Cool stuff Imagine if you were playing with him in DODS. RIP Mr. Williams.
  5. Open dod and the console. Type "demoui" You may find and be able to play your demos that way. Also here is a youtube link to a good demo walkthrough inspired to me by 2nd Lt. Kirkendall.
  6. Ok good to hear. Ill let Ascencio know.
  7. Im assuming you tried all the above mentioned. If you suspect it is still your monitor then try what Lt. Holland said about the bulging capacitors. It could be the exact same thing only in your monitor. Just take the back off and check all the capacitors. Ten bucks in capacitors is better than having to buy a new monitor. I fixed a n LCD TV by doing this.
  8. Another sad story from Afghanistan. RIP MajGen. Lets get the hell out of Afghanistan already!
  9. Noted. Thank you for your input.
  10. This guy is still playing (his ban was overturned). I spectated him for quite awile. This is the most clear cut case of a hacker as I have EVER seen. I noticed his ban was lifted...I recomend re-instating it. He just went 41-4. While that in itself does not constitute a ban, I watched him for quite awhile just blatant aim boting with the sniper. I have never accused someone of hacking until now. This is a very clear cut case in my opinion. I dont have video software, but i do have screen shots of his score. I understand that a good score does not in itself wrrant a ban, I am now the second MRB member to witness his blatant hacks.
  11. Me and Sanborne were talking about the Beret, so I figured I'd share my poser shot. I never got to fire it unfortunately...I was 19 yrs old when this photo was shot. Where have the years gone? lol.
  12. Wow....The power of propaganda. Just wow...
  13. Adios Brazil! Muahahahahahaaaa.... 4-0 within 25 minutes.....
  14. Downs

    active military?

    I served from aug 2005 to 2009 as a 31b MP. Oif 06-08 Camp Taji, Iraq, Ft hood stateside. Our Plt were Brigade assets, therefore no L&O. We had Airforce Sf for that. Attached to 1-7 Garry Owen. "If you aint cav you aint shit" LOL. BTW IMO STAY THE FUCK OUTA IRAQ. EDIT, sry to get political lol. Also 31B is MP.
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