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Gilmore 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Gilmore 1st MRB

  1. Yes, yes we did. Actually we did it for close to 30min because Quarterman thought we were sitting in spawn and attempted to DQ/replay the round.
  2. Thanks for that I always forget. And I honestly thought with all the back and forth that went on last night it was wicked similar.
  3. Playing on the Pub server tonight has gone as such:
  4. Definitely bumping this, I've been looking for stuff and it really is pretty awesome!
  5. Awesome I just bought CS;go through the steam sale because no matter what people were selling at 4-7keys. So although this is great always double check! Might buy 4 keys any ways and see whats going on!
  6. This is great do most people want Keys for games?
  7. The mod was amazing but wasn't populated enough. At least with the SA for Insurgency and bigger hype the servers will be more populated than before. The graphics look great and the game play looks fantastic. Does take a bit of skill so if you aren't good within an hour of playing don't give up. Now if only they'd release it for MAC.
  8. hahhahahaha good old dick punches
  9. It was a great season by all teams. Hopefully we will meet head on next year even harder!
  10. Nah it was awesome but, I had to post cause I took screenshots and I never post them when I take them.
  11. You better turn around or I am going to shoot you...
  12. That kid is fucked up on coffee and just overall shitty parenting.
  13. They did a good job with showing how selfish people are in video games.
  14. Those bench alley kills were great.
  15. Yeah that's what I was thinking right after I saw this too!
  16. sorry thought I had it all filled out in the right spot! It works now thank you!
  17. WOOOOOOOOOO Happy day of berffff!
  18. Vent still does not work for me. i know a bunch of others who were able to connect just fine. I have tried other ports for other games and our alt vent server and those work.
  19. After Sam told that kid to man-up and grab a weapon I had a feeling he was going to off a man character either by accident or a direct shot like that.
  20. love me some metal request sent!
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