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Gilmore 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Gilmore 1st MRB

  1. This is awesome!
  2. *Salute* One of the bravest and pivotal.
  3. dude you and your wife look great!! ha that was the justice of the peace lol
  4. Some pictures from the wedding!
  5. Yeah jut sent this to my buddy at the Subie dealership
  6. Apparently Oberyn did enough to kill the Mountain, he just didnt' (pardon the pun) "see" it through heh. That's what I thought, but then Tywin just ups and fucks Tyrion at the end? I was really confused with that.
  7. When this went down that was it for me too. I didn't even like Oberyn that much but, I knew he wasn't going to live.
  9. All of my teams were beat and I hate the rangers. Go Kings!
  10. i woke the wife up from laughing...
  11. While talking about the inside of a Yo-Yo "Gyroscopes?" "i thought those were the things you looked through"-Ascencio
  12. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f0HgtdgPuFo...eature=youtu.be And the next darwin award goes to...
  14. This was once again a great read!
  15. bun buuunnnssss
  16. I can't tell you how many guys I have in my DV groups that wouldn't wait to knock him out.
  17. He was pivotal in getting me to read at such a young age. I remember watching him and then begging my parents to stay up late to read. http://www.vanityfair.com/vf-hollywood/lev...=social_fbshare
  18. That was absolutely incredible!!!!
  19. I had to share these with you. I can see you Heresy watching this and saying, wtf...no really, come one wtf!
  20. and then this
  21. That was a fantastic ending, I hate to say that I didn't see it coming but, really i DIDNT!
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