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Gilmore 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Gilmore 1st MRB

  1. Japan (5) USA (55) Mexico (13) England (39) Norway (46) Sweden (54) Finland (5) Germany (22)
  2. Happy birthday!
  3. Happy day of berf
  4. How I feel playing with Heresy at times
  5. Japan (5) USA (54) Mexico (15) England (39) Norway (46) Sweden (53) Finland (5) Germany (22)
  6. You guys are killer! This is fantastic!
  7. Absolutely bumping for interest. I don't play it on PC but on XBOX and I'm still interested.
  8. Japan (5) USA (55) Mexico (16) England (38) Norway (47) Sweden (52) Finland (5) Germany (22)
  9. I am actually thinking of doing another play through this weekend, that or New Vegas either way great games. (FO3 was better)
  10. Japan (7) USA (54) Mexico (17) Canada (1) England (38) Norway (46) Sweden (51) Finland (5) Germany (21)
  11. Blues would be a team to contend against. They are pretty quick.
  12. Ooo also friendly PSA about buns, they are a 10yr commitment and they need lots of love and play time and room. If you are going to get a pet soon think about them as an option only if you are willing to make that commitment.
  13. Japan (7) USA (53) Mexico (18) Canada (3) England (38) Norway (45) Sweden (50) Finland (5) Germany (21)
  14. omfg bun buns...
  15. I got my dad into Hockey and the Bruins and he hates Thomas now to no extent. He says there are 3 people in this world that are traitors, Time Thomas, Phil Jackson, and Phil Jackson. can you tell he's a bulls fan lol
  16. I've lost a lot of weight since that last picture but that's Un Petite Pan, or Paniferous and he's my favorite.
  17. Couldn't agree more I just saw the latest episode and I think this really slams it in there... get it ooo yeahhh
  18. I loved Wolfenstein ET
  19. Japan (12) USA (45) Mexico (18) Canada (10) England (35) Norway (43) Sweden (49) Finland (7) Germany (21)
  20. My only response to those videos is that they were so overtly embellished you just exacerbated the problem further (and how many Crosby vids can we post like that, sometimes I think he's playing soccer.)
  21. I knew there would be some rivalry sooner or later.
  22. Yeah, I remember all those space combat games, this on was awesome because you could play the Millennium Falcon ) I also loved all the Lucas Arts Games at this time, Jedi Knight, Shadows of the Empire, Dark Forces. Outlaws... Loved the one for N64 that was fantastic! Lucas Arts really needs to step it's game up again. Pun intended.
  23. Absolutely killed me.
  24. I watched my cousin play 4 and 7 for hours on end which were supposed to be the good ones...
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