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Gilmore 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Gilmore 1st MRB

  1. Montreal only slightly irritates me as a Bruins fan because Carey Price is on my fantasy team!
  2. Can someone fix that video?
  3. I'm in CT too we say a lot of weird shit. Like MAD is our version of Wicked which is New Englands slang for cool/good. I have heard ESL before and as someone who's first language isn't English it can kind of be insulting but then again I don't get easily offended over dumb stuff.
  4. Tell me if a wall moves.
  5. I died laughing and now my own cats are scared.
  6. Japan (15) USA (42) Mexico (19) Canada (15) England (30) Norway (42) Sweden (44) Finland (12) Germany (21)
  7. That was fantastic!
  8. This this this this. C3 was one of the greatest games from the 90s. Edit: And I never played Zelda or any of the Final Fantasy franchise. I absolutely hate that game to no end.
  9. Japan (19) USA (35) Mexico (19) Canada (20) England (25) Norway (38) North Korea (8) Sweden (38) Finland (17) Germany (21)
  10. I have never seen this movie...
  11. This brightened my whole day up
  12. A lot of the initial rioting was spurred on by the Neo Nazi movement. My fiance's grandfather works for the UN and just sent me an article about the movement asking the Jews the leave Ukraine...it's sickening.
  13. Japan (20) USA (29) Mexico (19) Canada (19) Russia (5) England (24) Norway (27) North Korea (18) Sweden (28) Finland (19) Germany (22) China (10)
  14. Japan (21) USA (27) Mexico (19) Canada (20) Russia (15) England (22) Norway (20) North Korea (18) Sweden (22) Finland (19) Germany (20) China (17)
  15. Japan (20) USA (25) Mexico (19) Canada (20) Russia (16) England (22) Norway (20) North Korea (18) Sweden (22) Finland (20) Germany (20) China (18)
  17. Schweet thank you again for all your help. It has been continuous throughout the recruitment process.
  18. Name: Gilmore Rank: Rec. Type of issue: Software Brief Description of Issue: Nothing is saved anymore and when I open my console up and try to apply any changes such as binds or sprays I get 'userconfig.cfg' not present; not executing. Config file cfg/config.cfg is read-only!! But when I go into SteamApps and find the file and change it, it still doesn't save properly... ***Medical Supply Staff ONLY Below this line*** Current Status: Resolved Researching Pending Reply Resolved Unresolved Main Technician: Sgt. T. Heresy Supporting Technician:
  19. I know nothing of Canadian politics so that is really interesting to me. Has there been country wide cuts or more so in heavily populated areas? Has tourism gone down?
  20. Yeah definitely. Hopefully it doesn't end in another American led war.
  21. Yeah that is fantastic. I love hearing updates on the Bruins going to Boston Med.
  22. I think you have to look at current things as much as past. I think The United States are being pig-headed for not recognizing it as being part of Russia and furthermore need to leave the Russians the fuck alone. I can't stand people who blindly use the term Commie or Ruskie, I had a lot of family affected by the McCarthy period directly after experiencing the affects of WW2.
  23. This has been great and tonight was awesome nice rotation!
  24. The kid climbing in the door way made me laugh soooo hard.
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