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Gilmore 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Gilmore 1st MRB

  1. I think when I FIRST saw the game I was excited about it. Because I felt the same way you did. Now I am not so sure. I will have to see what the community thinks about it overall.
  2. How is this any different though. I feel like all I would be doing is re-purchasing DODs
  3. There is a lot of opportunity for you inside or outside depending on your final decision. I hope you find a sense of brotherhood while there.
  4. His first 100 days plan has some amazing things that I know I will directly benefit from. Even his education policy is charming. I am wondering how he plans to execute some of this though.
  5. Hah I am severely allergic to oranges. As in I carry an Epi-Pen and my wife carries a backup where ever we go.
  6. I use Almond juice for breakfast lol
  7. This was amazing!
  8. Wouldn't that be nice if Congress could pass some progressive laws without so much heartache.
  9. I believe we are on the same page. If the electoral college rolls one candidate over another then that is all we will hear about for weeks on end. I genuinely hope she wins in a blow out. Because at that point there won't be a reality based around a win for Trump if it is overwhelmingly in her favor.
  10. I am a big Obama supporter. I don't think the Right gives him any credit for what he has been able to accomplish these last eight years. And if Hillary is going to continue in his steps then I am all for it. I think Clinton hasn't been able to capitalize on anything because she genuinely isn't able to. The focus just gets redirected back to her. If Trump loses we are looking at a possible Civil War/Civil Unrest. There has been several articles released recently with him touting the fact and encouraging it.
  11. I think by having the ability to delete posts it opens us up to more scrutiny when people get into arguments. The current system definitely works well but, I think allowing to delete pictures specifically might be a better option.
  12. A couple more days and it comes out for mac then I'll be playing this in class instead of CIV5 lol
  13. hahahahhahahahappybirthday
  14. just came across this, I am totally loving it!
  15. For serious it's crazy!
  16. I think it's safe to say that our options really aren't the greatest. In the polls lately these 2 candidates are the most hated in the last 40yrs (check the sources yourself I'm being lazy). There are a lot of what was considered conspiracy theories that have come to fruition for both sides.
  17. Honestly I don't know for sure who I am actually voting for. I see a lot of issues from both major party candidates. I am still a Bernie supporter and would love to see him come back but, I am realistic.
  18. Happy day of berf
  19. I didn't realize the damage was so great in that area.
  20. Subaru all the way! We've had several different ones over the last 5 years all 2nd hand bought and used. We usually sell them and get another one after we beat the hell out of them. We finally got the cash flow to get a new one and got a Forester 2015. Amazing gas mileage and a ton of room, plus incredibly safe.
  21. This is fantastic!!!!!
  22. Thanks! We are also adding some more stuff tonight including home made bees wax candles!
  23. Hey my wife and I run at Etsy store and was hoping you guys and gals would take a look and check us out. We also have a bunch more earrings that haven't been posted yet! I also refurbish furniture and do oil paintings as well. Art AcHE LLC My website
  24. Happy birthday!!!
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