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Gilmore 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Gilmore 1st MRB

  1. I love playing the game. I am really inactive and haven't hit the gym like I should. This game gets me off my ass.
  2. Darcy thank you so much! Their regalia is so beautiful and I can not wait to make it to the next one in my area. I am really very appreciative of you sharing this with us.
  3. Great newsletter! Well put together loved the article about the Luger!
  4. Sounds great be sure to post some pictures when you get a chance.
  5. That's awesome AND I didn't know we were so close. I'm in Hamden dude!
  6. Hey Shank I found your spirit animal.
  7. Happy day of berf!
  8. Is there a way to do a tracer report from a mac?
  9. So glad you joined us on here!
  10. Absolutely. I administered the Ban because it wouldn't allow Imp to Perm. I can agree that his was blatant.
  11. I knew you'd do it and many more years in the unit next to you woot!
  12. Children's book I am working on for a graduate art therapy class my little man (i know there's a pet thread)
  13. Hit me up if I am online to play. Just invite me directly into the game/server you're on!
  14. I'm going to buttplug your Pooher, Booher!-Muppet
  15. Name:Danielfiuba Steam I.D: [U:1:323172912] Reasons for the Ban:TKing Recommended duration of ban:Recommendation 48hours. Demo Provided?:No, but warned.Warned did not respond, blatantly walked up and shot a person in the back. Even paused before doing it. Y/N # 215 "danielfiuba" [U:1:323172912] 13:32 218 0 active
  16. And why haven't you brought this to Mac as well? (I have an XBOX1, but would rather play this on my computer.)
  17. Yes and no I was able to get the skin I wanted to work for Axis team. But other then that no, even with Lafy's help which was huuuuuge! I think you can close this though because for now I won't be looking to add more wep skins just yet.
  18. Happy day of berf!
  19. Happy day of berfff
  20. Name:MCNIFF (Ron Paul) Steam I.D:STEAM_0:0:17431936 Reasons for the Ban:multiple TK/TW, Goatce.ex obama combo spray Recommended duration of ban:1 week Demo Provided?:No, had a screenshot didn't capture correctly/b] Something to note: this has not been the first time he has been asked to not TK/TW. I don't believe a PermaBan is warranted.
  21. Happy day of berf!
  22. Happy day of berffff!
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