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Gilmore 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Gilmore 1st MRB

  1. Happy day of berf!
  2. Well the last picture you guys saw of me was a little more then a year ago at my wedding since then I have lost a bit of weight and here I am with my cousin at his sister's wedding
  3. Happy day of berffff
  4. Hey thanks for checking in on the forums and staying! It's been great having you in the server!
  5. Subarus and a Mitsubishi until the lease runs out. I am currently looking for this bad boy....
  6. Woot loot happy berfday!
  7. Just bought Skyrim Legendary Edition. I had Skyrim back when it first came out. Is there anything cool or any secret things I should look for?
  8. Happppy bwerffffffdayyyyy
  9. I went to vote for you but I have to sign in...
  10. happy day of berf you ol dog you!
  11. Hellz yeah! We just bought a house too which is why I've been totally non-existent so I completely agree with you on coming back and forth. I am really glad you got a promotion too that's amazing!
  12. Thanks guys! Woot another year another dollar lol.
  13. Couldn't agree more Kirkendall. The fear mongering has to stop at the base level. Glenn isn't the first or the last person to do it. But, as we can clearly see he does it well. CT already has it's tax on gas set at .70 per gallon(rough estimate last time I checked) and so I am not 100% in on the new hike. However, there are plenty of roads here that could surely benefit from having them paved. With that being said, as long as they do not concentrate on main roads and start on side streets again I would definitely be in favor of it.
  14. Happy belated day of berf
  15. Happy day of birth!
  16. Woot loot it's yo day of berf!
  17. Several of my friends work and volunteer in hospice. They will be as pain-free and treated with respect greatly. I am so sorry for this news.
  18. Prince you dirty bastard we love you happy day of berf!
  19. I am beyond excited for this!
  20. Woot loot happy day of berf!
  21. theik: BROWN CANT ADMIN CAUSE HE SMELLS (Voice) stb1;Rand al'Thor: Go go go! U.S. Army score 5 points 1stSgt. T. Brown [1st MRB]: ill admin ur face
  22. Happy berfday!
  23. Interesting concept. The US wouldn't join that until they would be considered the victor and everyone else was too tired to fight.
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