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Gilmore 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Gilmore 1st MRB

  1. I am glad you have a real looking dog.
  2. What? There are people who didn't like Frozen? I fuckin' loved it, that shit was as adorable as a kitten in a sweater vest playing a banjo frozen has some good gifs hhahaha Yeah there are some great ones out there
  3. i don't care what anyone has to say i LOVE FROZEN and with all my PC issues up until this new one I found this to be great! http://gfycat.com/LivelyDefiantCivet
  4. Woot happy berfday!
  5. My new favorite Gif
  6. There was 10min of camping talk in that vid haha people get so mad!
  7. That girl is so funny but 1 is my fav out of these
  8. Yeh I tried no luck booo!
  9. Downloading now, do you know if it will run on mac?
  10. Happy day of berf!
  11. I got turned onto this game because Barry had started playing it. After almost 80min of playtime I can say this this FTP game is definitely worth the download. It is very similar to DODs with game play but more like an old-timey Halo with Team Death Match. http://store.steampowered.com/app/265630/ Check it out and hit me up if you want to play.
  12. Name:martens4alle Steam I.D:STEAM_0:0:77882436 Reasons for the Ban: Spawn killing teammates. Over -8 when I started ban request form. Will not listen, just keeps spraying! Recommended duration of ban:48-72 hours Demo Provided?:No, had a couple guys on server ask me to take a look and sure enough he just keeps killing. I apologize i can not edit the topic of the post.
  13. Name:Antonio.mendoza.rodriguez Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:77888772 Reasons for the Ban: Continuous spawn killing and not listening to directions. Recommended duration of ban: 48 hours Demo Provided?:No, only one on server until Pfc. k. Lennings showed up.
  14. I didn't realize it was Teemu's last game. He was a great player over the years,
  15. i think most of us have this one done already
  17. The ol-Switcharoo Say you need to be somewhere and get on another Steam Game...
  18. Name:Taralzt Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:8872970 Reasons for the Ban:Continously high ping, doesn't listen to directions or requests, multiple Team Killing or Team Wounding in spawn that is not on accident. Recommended duration of ban: 1-2weeks Demo Provided?:No Wilson was present through it all.
  19. Toothfairy has a major problem with disrespecting admins and other players. He is great to play with when he is not negative. I was there, he couldn't keep the comments to himself.
  20. http://nooooooooooooooo.com/
  21. Glad everything worked out and welcome to the forums!
  22. Venom316 would like to register for the forums and possibly enlist. He attempted to set up an account but hasn't received an email yet. He told me this was on the 9th. Thank you for all your help!
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