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Gilmore 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Gilmore 1st MRB

  1. what the fucking fuck did I just watch
  2. Well time for my family's main team. Lets GO CHI-HAWKS!
  3. Happy day of berffff!
  4. it is all of the neo-facist group symbols that are out there over the years. As someone who consistently watches these groups over the years I thought it would be really interesting to post. It was also late at night for me and I clearly should have provided a description.
  5. I saw Deez Nutz in New Hampshire probably 3 years ago. I love Brotherhood Hardcore and Deez Nutz has to be at the top of the list for me!
  6. I figured some of the stuff out but after a couple of hours I uninstalled it.
  7. holy shit, holy shit, holy shit, holy shit
  8. Name: TDM61 Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:49637886 Reasons for the Ban:Multiple Tks, not listening to rules of server. Recommended duration of ban:1 week Demo Provided?: No. Cpl. M Stork was there and saw it all.
  9. https://vine.co/v/M6MDA79ZupW
  10. We could turn this into a flame war and I could find a bunch of vids on each of your teams to support the same shit and then some... Spin the wheel baby, spin it.
  11. Yeah achievements refuses to work for me, is there also a way to change in between displayed kills (tab screen) to a better one or default?
  12. Not right at all. I hate PK Subban why? Because he is an excellent and talented player. This hate speech is disgusting and I am absolutely ashamed of my fellow Bruins fans.
  13. Not to totally hijack this from Ascencio but I really like this GUI and HUD system. The only problem I have is displaying Achievements via the achievement button in that HUD.
  14. I went ahead and downloaded the zipfile but even with the readme I am at a loss.
  15. Not bad, the recording is decent. Wish there was more lyrics and less ambiance.
  16. As someone who works DV i can concurr with that. The officer should have restrained himself entirely. There are times where I feel like people really say fuck it in the the wrong situations.
  17. Loved the Candy interview I really didn't know how old he was and the history bit was really interesting. Thank you for doing the research!
  18. Wow... I understand you don't like them and I agree dick shots aren't ok but their hits aren't as dirty as a bunch of the teams I've seen play.
  19. It's yer berfday!
  20. I love people's reactions to this because it just shows how easily shifted the persona to please people are in humans... damn psych degree.
  21. I don't disagree with that joke at all. I think we are bruisers and tend to come in and FSU but, loyal is what loyal gets. I can see where other teams don't like us based on our hit hard ask questions later streak. In fact this year I think there are teams that are incredibly fast and it will be extremely hard to beat them if we come up against them.
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