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Distinguished Civilian
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About Hess

  • Birthday 08/13/1997

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    M1 Garand

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Forum Greenhorn

Forum Greenhorn (6/91)



  1. Alright then:) I'll marking the ticket as resolved.
  2. USA (78) England (40) Norway (43) Sweden (46) Germany (30)
  3. USA (75) England (41) Norway (44) Sweden (48) Germany (29)
  4. USA (73) England (42) Norway (44) Sweden (49) Germany (29)
  5. Hess

    Controlled dream

    Hahaha yeah and it's so f**king weird... I think everytime I'm just crazy lol
  6. USA (73) England (41) Norway (44) Sweden (52) Germany (27)
  7. Hess

    Controlled dream

    Yeah I'm the same opinion... I would get crazy when I dream whatever I want
  8. Hess

    Controlled dream

    Ah okay My friend say he is writing every dream in a dream-diary.. It shall help
  9. A friend told me he could control his dreams. So he mean certainly control what he sees, what happens, just everything. Is something like this anyway possible?
  10. That's really nice! I would like ^^ but my mom can not speak english
  11. Alright:) It won't. Autoconfig will fix your hardware DirectX level if it's wrong
  12. 1. First start Steam 2. Go to Library and rightclick on Day of Defeat Source 3. Press on properties and then open the SET LAUNCH OPTIONS.. 4. Type in -autoconfig 5. Click Okay 6. Start DoD:S
  13. Had you ever tried this?
  14. USA (70) England (41) Norway (46) Sweden (53) Germany (27)
  15. USA (67) England (41) Norway (47) Sweden (56) Germany (26)
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