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J. Ascencio 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by J. Ascencio 1st MRB

  1. I thought that too but things aren't what they used to be. I feel if we have a major attack that requires a build up of our forces the true patriots will stand up and enlist into the army. But until that happens I think our forces will be okay. The money saved could go to things the army needs like veteran benifits and stuff like that. I don't plan on making the army a career because I've noticed where it's going and a lot of active duty say they wouldn't recommend it. I plan to do my time save as much money as possible and use my benifits to go to college. A veteran I know who was tired of going through the VA also got his own independent insurance.
  2. http://www.armytimes.com/story/military/20...chart/29939051/ This is kind of old news but the army just posted which bases would be making the layoffs. It looks like fort benning and a base in Alaska are being hit the hardest. Thoughts on this? A buddy of mine who is currently enlisted says he isnt to worried about it. He says the army has to many out of shape soldiers who have like 5 kids and who just collect a check. He also pointed out the fact that the campaign in Afghanistan is winding down. He said that maybe the army will use this to cycle out the dirt bags. He also pointed out how amazed he was on how the government would cut the army before touching welfare leeches. (his words not mine) https://www.nationalpriorities.org/budget-b...t-101/spending/ if you scroll down to the second chart it breaks down what the government is spending its cash on and as you can see we are spending over 50% of our budget on the military
  3. Dam 2009? I was 11 years old. Feel old yet?
  4. This is the video from the male officer and it seems i was mistaken thanks for pointing it out. Im with hill though they should have frisked him. but i guess they just thought to themselves ehhh just another drunk no big deal
  5. I know right! I got so worried as soon as i saw the gun and the cop only had his taser. Good thing that female officer had a quick draw because he could have easily lost his life.
  6. Keep in mind the officer at first only had his taser out.
  7. But what about the idea of people being able to make guns at their house? This guy already made a working whole gun out of the 3d printer. It only fires one shot but who knows where this will go.
  8. http://americangunfacts.com/ Thoughts? Here is a view of my local walmarts sports section
  9. http://www.cnn.com/2015/06/22/living/feat-...rash/index.html
  10. So after some time on the internet i stumbled upon these.... Not for the weak hearted
  11. Holy Shit that toy story one got me hands down! Holy shit that was the funniest thing ive seen in a while i cant stop laughing!! the one witht he kid was good too
  12. The Steam sales have begun!
  13. Well since I got airborne in contract I train with some airborne guys and they sing this one called c130 rolling down the strip, that one really motivates me.
  14. So a quick update on where I've been! Today I graduate from high school! There ceremony starts in a few hours and I'm pretty excited!!! I've also had to attend the Army's future soldier training program we do a lot of pt and I'm in pretty good shape but I'm not going to lie the ruck marches kick my ass! Yesterday we trained with the marines and it was great!! They're pretty hardcore! We ran in formation and at first I had trouble, the fact that you need to run and keep aligned with the guy on your right! Then they started singing cadences and it motivated the hell out of me. Some of them were pretty fun and I was able to find one on youtube!
  15. What is this... Captain America's shield is made out of vibranium and hawkeyes's shield is made from quick silver!
  16. Okay so today really irritated me. Yesterday they called my parents and told them I was receiving an award for joining the army. I didn't want to go or accept the award cause I didn't feel that what I did was really worthy of an award. I mean I've always felt it was our duty as Americans to contribute in some way to our country. So I told my parents not to show up and then I showed up late to school but they still called my teacher and forced me out of class. I just ditched and went somewhere else. When I got back to class they called my teacher and my parents saying that I wasn't there at the ceremony. So I was forced to go. I show up and they have me and like 5 other people who enlisted wjth the army sitting at a table in front of all these people. I just thought to myself omg this is a little ridiculous. so I go take my seat and then the principal starts talking about how we're excellent role models for the school and all this other stuff. I felt like just throwing up at the table so I could get the hell out of there. Then fter it was over they had us go up and accept afake check that represents how much money the army was giving for college. So I just went up there and took it and finally they wanted us to stay for cake and stuff and people were coming up to me and "thanking me for my service" it's like what I haven't even made it through basic?? I don't consider myself a soldier and I won't till I earn it when I complete basic. I couldn't take it anymore and as soon as I got the chance I snuck out and left. It just didn't feel right I mean like I said it's my duty to contribute back to my country and I haven't ever serves a day in my life. All I've done was just swear in to say that I will ship out on the day that is listed on my contract. I just needed to vent any active duty or prior service members care to share their opinion??
  17. So today I finally swore into the U.S Army. As many of you know I have not been around much lately and thats cause I have been doing the enlistment process and work has also kept me busy, but today I am proud to finally say I am one step closer to being an american soldier! I ship to basic training on August 17 I am going to fort benning for basic then I go to OSUT then I got to airborne school. I am enlisting as a 19D (Cavalry Scout). I am honored to be in such a small group of prestigious warriors and hopefully ill make a great cav scout!
  18. America is once again in turmoil Streets in Baltimore looked like a war zone early Tuesday after a night of riots, fires and heartbreak. "Too many people have spent generations building up this city for it to be destroyed by thugs who -- in a very senseless way -- are trying to tear down what so many have fought for," Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake said. Security beefed up after looting, fires engulf Baltimore Buildings and cars across the city were engulfed in flames. About a dozen businesses looted or damaged. At least 15 officers were wounded, six of them seriously, the police commissioner said. Late Monday night, CNN crews saw looters breaking in through the roof of a Baltimore liquor store. They were tossing bottles and cans of alcohol onto the street below. All this came just hours after the funeral for Freddie Gray, who died of a severe spinal cord injury while in police custody. Gray's family denounced the violence. "I want y'all to get justice for my son, but don't do it like this here," his mother told journalists. Gray's twin sister, Fredericka, said she couldn't understand the riots. "I don't think that's for Freddie," she said. "I think the violence is wrong." The destruction was so bad that children can't go to school Tuesday. Officers seriously injured Six Baltimore police officers were seriously injured in Monday's violence, Police Commissioner Anthony Batts said. He said many of the instigators appeared to be high school students. "I think they thought it was cute to throw cinder blocks at police," Batts said. Video showed police in riot gear taking cover behind an armored vehicle as assailants pelted them with rocks. More than two dozen people have already been arrested, Baltimore police Col. Darryl D. DeSousa said. There were no immediate reports of injuries among the rioters. Senior center engulfed in flames An enormous fire broke out at affordable housing center for seniors. It was just months away from opening. Pastor Donte Hickman of the Southern Baptist Church, which owns the facility, said 60 units of senior housing were lost. The mayor said it's not clear whether the fire was related to riots, as the cause of the fire is under investigation. Regardless, the loss has been devastating. "My eyes have been filled with tears," Hickman said. "Someone didn't understand that we exist in the community to help revitalize it." State of emergency declared Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan declared a state of emergency and activated the National Guard. The mayor of Baltimore said every possible resource was being deployed to "gain control of this situation." Rawlings-Blake said the city will impose a mandatory curfew from 10 p.m. to 5 a.m. daily, effective for one week starting Tuesday night. She stressed that the city already has a mandatory curfew for young people -- 9 p.m. ET for children under 14, while teenagers 14-16 have to be inside by 10 p.m. ET on school nights. Baltimore mayor in the spotlight 'Credible threat' to officers Earlier Monday, Baltimore police said they had received a "credible threat" that gangs were teaming up to "take out" officers. It did not say where the information came from, nor did it say whether the threat was tied to the recent death of Freddie Gray. "The Baltimore Police Department/Criminal Intelligence Unit has received credible information that members of various gangs including the Black Guerilla Family, Bloods, and Crips have entered into a partnership to 'take out' law enforcement officers," police said. "This is a credible threat." Reinforcements coming in Up to 5,000 law enforcement officials will be requested from the mid-Atlantic region to help quell the violence in Baltimore, Col. William Pallozzi of the Maryland State Police said Monday night. And authorities say about 1,500 members of the National Guard have been deployed. Maryland State Police ordered an additional 40 troopers to Baltimore to join the 42 troopers already sent there Monday afternoon to assist city police. Since last Thursday, more than 280 state troopers have provided assistance in Baltimore. "Today's looting and acts of violence in Baltimore will not be tolerated," said Hogan. "There is a significant difference between protesting and violence, and those committing these acts will be prosecuted under the fullest extent of the law." New attorney general speaks out Just hours after she was sworn in, Attorney General Loretta Lynch decried the "senseless acts of violence" in Baltimore. She said the Justice Department "stands ready to provide any assistance that might be helpful." "Those who commit violent actions, ostensibly in protest of the death of Freddie Gray, do a disservice to his family, to his loved ones, and to legitimate peaceful protesters who are working to improve their community for all its residents," she said. 'They don't deserve this' Monday's violence came the same day as Gray's funeral. The 25-year-old was arrested on April 12 and died one week later from a fatal spinal cord injury. "I am sure that the family is concerned, and I am positive that they are against what is beginning to develop here in town," said Billy Murphy, an attorney for the Gray family. "They don't deserve this any more than Freddie Gray deserved it," he said about the injured officers. The mayor said the city doesn't deserve what has happened, either. "It is so frustrating that people think that this makes sense -- to destroy our community," she said. "People who live there that are already hurting are going to be the ones that pay."
  19. This is the original movie scene from Interstellar. This is an excellent movie. Enjoy!@
  20. Got the game last night!!! It's a great game!
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