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J. Ascencio 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by J. Ascencio 1st MRB

  1. Happy birthday!!
  2. You could check out the ordinance office. They have tons of raider approved weapon skins!
  3. Letterman has had quite a bit of medal of honor recipients on his show! You should watch them all They're good. As for kyle carpenter I remember when I saw his story on TV and I was also moved. What a great guy!
  4. So I understand this topic will probably get heated but I just wanted peoples opinion on the war. Both from an American point of view and a foreign point of view. I am joining the military soon but I do not support the war. I support the men and women who fight it but not the conflict itself. It just seems like this whole conflict has been a waste of time, money, and american lives. I think we just need to pull out of the middle east and we need to look good doing it. Sure we may have helped create groups like the taliban when we backed those afghan rebels who fought the Russians but I do not think that it is 100% our fault. I do not see any end to this conflict in sight... I have lost all faith in the Afghan National Army being able to take back their country and videos like these only further that feeling!
  5. Happy birthday buddy! Happy birthday buddy!
  6. Nerdddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd

  7. Happy birthday buddy!
  8. http://time.com/3689883/super-bowl-rings/ All 48 superbowl rings
  9. Excellent job everyon! Great article!
  10. Happy Birthday
  11. http://time.com/the-american-teenager-in-2...-something-new/ I just love time magazine and holy shit another person with the last name ascencio and it's spelled the same way!!!
  12. Weed is better than alcohol in my opinion both are good but weed is the best!
  13. Name: Scrappy coco Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:9703776 Reasons for the Ban: Teamkilling then leaving Recommended duration of ban: 1 month Demo Provided?: No but woz and slingsby were in the pub when it happened and stephenson was there to he informed me that this guy had come into the pub the other day and mic spammed. He was then muted and he then decided to teamkill until he was banned. This is why i ask for such a lengthy ban. He needs to learn this behaviour will not be tolerated! Y/N
  14. I am guilty of this!! I have no idea why I always get you two confused!!
  15. I wonder if they're hiring!
  16. I play competitive and I would join you! My favorite and best weapon is the awp and I don't think I've lost a ranked match since I started also you might want to hit up Sgt. Small I played with him a lot and he's good to!
  17. Wow almost gives you the chills after you read it! Great article http://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morning...campaign=buffer
  18. Happy birthday candy!!
  19. I think this whole situation is just like the situation we had with north Korea not to long ago. The ball is in Russias court right now. How this situation continues will be based on Russias actions the united states won't fire the first shot. At least I don't think we will..
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