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J. Ascencio 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by J. Ascencio 1st MRB

  1. Well it was based on a book who was written by a guy in the unit. I liked it because it was funny.
  2. So what are some of your fav war movies? My personal favorite is Saving Private Ryan and I also really liked Jarhead! So share your favorite war movie and some scenes from it! Jarhead Scene 1 (P.S Jarhead 2 sucked) Jarhead scene 2 Saving Private Ryan Scene 1 Scene 2
  3. 0:44 MSgt Kirk I am going to ask you not to shoot through your teamates to get a kill... jkjk nice vid!
  4. Can you give me the specs on her computer?
  5. Well I'm already enlisting so that's answers that question and I am 100% willing to fight anyone who threatens the safety of the United States or her allies.
  6. I got new internet and am streaming halo for any halo fans out there! Same link
  7. I tried his suggestions but to no avail. I'm pretty sure it's my headset I'll buy another one but you can close this topic now thanks for everyone!
  8. I will try this on Sunday as I don't have access to my computer at the moment.
  9. I would recommend that. I f you have all your Windows files on an ssd then your computer will boot up a lot faster. Then you can have all your other files on the HD such as games, pictures etc. If you are in the market for a new HD then I suggest one that runs at similar or faster rpms so you don't see a decrease in speed.
  10. I to did NJROTC. I am a senior in High School and I did 3 years. I reached the rank of Chief petty officer (E-7)> I ose through the ranks pretty quickly and it was an enjoyable experience. My first year I was squad leader then I was a platoon commander then a company commander. My 3rd year I decided to step down because I didnt like where our unit was going it wasnt the same unit I signed up for years earlier. I had a great time and made many friends and had lots of experiences serving both my unit and community. I still remember the feeling of walking into my instructors office and telling him it was time for me to end my time with the unit. Im not going to lie it sucked turning in my uniforms dress blues, khakis etc. I miss it sometimes. I miss the discipline the respect. I miss conducting inspections every Wednesday and I even miss wearing the uniform. I was apart of color guard, academic and rifle team. All in all it was a great experience and it also helped gain a higher rank in the Army! P.S I am missing about 3 ribbons and my stars :'( but best of luck!
  11. I have also had this problem I think it might be a server issue. It barely started happening and for some reason it does not happen in the private server. P.S I will not be putting myself as a technician because I have no idea how to solve this problem so if any other MSO worker has a solution feel free to take main technician
  12. Granted, the next time you log onto Modern Warfare. I wish I had a milkshake. Granted, but you go to a restaurant and the server just got fired and decides to take revenge and laces the glass with Ebola and you get it. I wish I had a time machine.
  13. I noticed that a lot of my fellow 1st MRB members enjoy streaming on twitch like I do. So I was thinking that this topic could serve as a place where people can post their twitch profile inks so others can come and enjoy a stream if they like. I just started so I don't get to many viewers but I like to stream DOD and some Xbox games. If you like to stream on twitch then post your profile link here so other unit members can check you out! http://www.twitch.tv/jascencio1stmrb
  14. I could help if you use obs
  15. Try removing it to see if it fixes the problem. A common problem with these old skins is they may not work a lot of things have changed on steam between the last 5 years. For example since steam switched to steam pipe a lot of skins have become obsolete and a lot of them just don't work like they did when they came out. Try removing it and try another skin to see if you get the same problem of you don't then it's the skin and someone else in this office might be able to help . Of that does not work please post again and we can go from there.
  16. Name: Joshua Ascencio Rank:Cpl. Type of issue: Hardware (Software, Hardware, Steam, Not sure) Brief Description of Issue: I have a headset and whenever I am playing music or a video in the background it comes through the mic and everyone can hear it. I do not have any speakers and even when the volume is low people can still hear it. ***Medical Supply Staff ONLY Below this line*** Current Status: Resolved Researching Pending Reply Resolved Unresolved Main Technician: B. O'Hare Supporting Technician: J. Bradley
  17. Start with run/walks. While it’s tempting to just go out and run as fast as you can for as long as you can, you’ll ultimately run longer, feel stronger, and stay injury free if you start by adding short bouts of running to your regular walks and gradually increasing the amount of time that you spend run. Let the body be the boss. Some muscle aches and soreness – especially in the quadriceps and calves - are to be expected any time you are pushing your body farther or faster than it’s accustomed to going. But there are some pains that you shouldn’t ignore. Any sharp pains or pains that persist or worsen as you walk, run, or go about your daily activities are signals to rest for at least three days and see a doctor. Also, beware of any pains that are on one side of the body, but not the other.
  18. Streaming the evil within
  19. I'm streaming it and it's scary check me out http://www.twitch.tv/jascencio1stmrb/
  20. I have a few questions 1. What skin is it? 2. When was it made? 3. Does it affect your gameplay? 4. Have you tried removing the skin? If so does the problem still occur?
  21. Good Stuff!
  22. Ahh i remember those days MW2 was hot FaZe was relevant when you got an awesome trickshot for the finial kill everyone in the lobby had an orgasm
  23. Happy Birthday!
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