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Weil 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Weil 1st MRB last won the day on October 25 2021

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    MG42 Machine Gun

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  1. Name: Lucasbazanxd Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:552064067 Reasons for the Ban: N word on the mic Recommended duration of ban: He only said once and kind of apologized once corrected, left right away. I don't know if this sums it up to a perma since it's racism after all. Demo Provided?: N Kevinsen, Strickland and Johnson were present.
  2. I do get both points, you feel like you're getting your freedom taken from you when you get forced to do something, It's understandable when people don't want to be poked and have a substance in their bodies that they're not 100% sure about, science can't tell for sure whether or not the vax will have any complications in the future, sadly. There's data that says that people with the vaccine do have lessened symptoms if they get do get the disease, but the vaccine does nothing to stop the spread, so again, I do believe when you have all of these facts in the table it should be up to you wheter you want to do it or not. On a personal level, I'm very good friends with a doctor who graduated literally on the start of the pandemic, and this generation of doctors (at least here in my country, idk over there) have had the tendency to become experts in the COVID area because it's a very serious issue in Venezuela, it's really the go to if you want to get bot experience and good money as a Doc, this friend of mine literally goes from house to house (he does home hospitalization to his patients because the expenses are cut in about 80% compared to clinics and hospitals, which not only are already way beyond capacity, but also you have more risks of getting contaminated in those places :l) from the moment he wakes up early in the morning until he goes back to his house late at night, he has seen that the vaccine really hasn't done anything different from when things started, yet again, we have access to the chinese and russian ones, which are suposedly good according to data, but they are not the fancy ones you guys have . To summarize it all, I do understand why you wouldn't want to get vaccinated, and I do believe it should always be your choice to do so, but this disease is way too strange and we really don't know enough about it as of now, and if getting a vaccine can help make it easier to pull through it if you do get it, then I'd say go for it.
  3. Not a huge follower of the MLB, but the Astros are my team
  4. Only slight problem I see with that one is that the processor isn't as new, but that's the graphics card I have on mine and I'm almost always able to run every game with low graphs and decent frames, the 16 RAM is good and you're getting an ssd in which you can get your OS set up and use the extra Tera for everything else, I wouldn't say it's such a bad deal but wait for other recommendations from people who are more into technology and overall pricing!
  5. This is amazing! Hahahahaha
  6. I remember having a similar issue once, it had something to do with the HL2.exe, maybe look into that as well. If I manage to get a hold of the video that fixed it for me I'll send you the link
  7. I was banging my head to this one just now!
  8. Many thanks. It wont happen again.
  9. Name: T/5 Weil [1st RB] Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:15431292 Date & Time of ban: No clue, it was a long time ago Admin who banned you: No clue. Excuse for the Unban: All I remember is that we where playing on kalt, I went to the bathroom and when I came back I saw my brother at the pc laughing while tking everyone with an MG. I apologize for that and you have my word that wont happen again. Thank you for your time.
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