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Gooderham 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Gooderham 1st MRB

  1. sweet burns. thread delivers
  2. That level was SOOOO much fun. I completed the mission at night and it just added to the sheer insanity of it. That level was SOOOO much fun. I completed the mission at night and it just added to the sheer insanity of it.
  3. That's fucking funny. You should dm him back and tell him that instead you want to settle this over drinks.
  4. One may be able to argue that "Nothing in between really." is a colloquialism. However, if stated correctly, one should add a comma after "before" and prior to "really," thereby producing a complete sentence.
  5. Yeah man, things are running smoothly around here. I hope everything gets settled with the girl, see you soon!
  6. I enjoy a lively discussion of a very important political topic. This is a reminder to be civil and respectful of each other and their opinions.
  7. Congrats man!
  8. 10/10 Would watch again.
  9. Reminder that the draft is at 10PM EST tonight!
  10. I'll tell you. Go to the stereo and put on "Who's Next," starting with Baba O'Riley. Turn it up until you can't hear anything but the music. Mime to her that this is REAL medicine. Play air guitar until she forgets about watching Dr. Who.
  11. Guys, stay calm, the Leafs will still be able to lose 48 games this season.
  12. Have a great trip Johnson! I would play some Far Cry 2 before you go, just to hone your skills. In all seriousness, have a great trip, stay safe and enjoy yourself!
  13. A sweet guitar amp. Oh soooo sweet.
  14. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!
  15. Happy Birthday!
  16. I'm sorry to hear that man. Pets are the best friends anyone can ever ask for and it is especially hard when they go.
  17. A complete and total tragedy. Unless I missed something though, why are you bringing up his brother? I thought his older brother was not involved in the incident.
  18. AC6 got too ridiculous. It was enjoyable at the start, but then it got stupid. The graphics and sound effects were awesome though.
  19. I love the people who are like " oh we spent, $400,000 on this underground bunker because we know its going to end " Or the "we have 10,000 rounds of ammunition, 20 guns and enough toilet paper to last 10 years."
  20. Hahahaha, I watched a couple episodes too. It was pretty amusing.
  21. Hahahahaha, yeah, I didn't know the difference until recently either.
  22. My girlfriend would love this. But then she would say that it is a typeface, not a font.
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