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Gooderham 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Gooderham 1st MRB

  1. But what about the HATS!
  2. Ban this sick filth! I would have given it even more props had the caption not read "ey gurl" but "hay gurl"
  3. I use the Khan Academy to study for statistics. My professor actually recommended it to us.
  4. Wow.
  5. I get nasty headaches without my caffeine. Can you just quickly step out? Make an excuse for why you have to leave for a couple minutes?
  6. No, but I was looking at this one. EVGA GTX 570 HD Fermi for $165
  7. Sadly the deal expired. It was 140 on sale at the time.
  8. Just curious what you guys thought of this deal. EVGA GeForce GTX 560 Ti Fermi 822MHZ
  9. Neither side should be (or is) free from scorn.
  10. Constant polishing will help keep the shoes in best form. Also, invest in a pair of shoe trees. They will help keep the shoes from losing there form and will absorb moisture in the shoe from sweat. Have you googled for advice? Maybe try this.
  11. Yeah I know, those players are huge...
  12. If you use an American address...
  13. I read "100 Years of Solitude" on my last vacation, and the only thing on the cover other than the actual title was: "This is the single greatest piece of literature since the book of Genesis."
  14. Just a heads up everyone, today and tomorrow Amazon is offering a THQ bundle for 10 bucks. I have been contemplating purchasing a couple of these games before, so it looks like a good deal to me. The bundle is an electronic download that can be played through Steam and includes: Homefront Stalker: Shadow of Chernobyl Red Faction: Guerilla Red Faction: Armageddon Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine Metro 2033 Buy it here. Please leave this topic in the Mess Hall until Monday, then it can be moved to "Other Games"
  16. That ball was destined for the net. It looked like it was going to sail well over and suddenly it plunged in. amazing.
  17. I am looking forward to playing it. Looks like it is going to be awesome. Of the three I have played I must say, the first was the best.
  18. I have decided, in support of your work, I will purchase the book. Will it be available at Chapters?
  19. I am also growing. Good work gentlemen, help support the cause any way you can!
  20. Busch? terrible.
  21. Happy Birthday! Hope the hangover isn't too bad.
  22. Yes, perhaps scientists and nature will fix the environment, but it will probably not happen before irreparable damage has been done to a life supporting eco-system.
  23. How can anyone have a logical, civil debate if one side refuses to acknowledge facts? Kirk, it is completely unreasonable for you to jump on M. Johnson for calling Romney an idiot even if it was uncalled for. You also can't accuse him of being ill-informed if you have no proof of that being the case. Perhaps you should recognize that those viewing the situation from afar may have a more unbiased and balanced view of the issues. Additionally, his comment on your part is ridiculous: Romney and Obama both have to justify receiving your vote. Just because one hasn't been the president yet doesn't automatically make him better suited for the job, nor does having been the president already imply that he is the superior candidate.
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