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Gooderham 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Gooderham 1st MRB

  1. Bayless had nothing to contribute. Cuban exposed Bayless as having little actually knowledge of the game and it was terribly funny to watch.
  2. I actually recommended this song, and especially this video to a friend last week. amazing.
  3. -Curtain Up- *Fapping Noise" Parker: Rather, do that on your own time. Rather: Oh, no single player on Vent? *Laughter* -End Scene-
  4. Get in Vent.
  5. Hahahaha, In a battle with my AMX 12t in the span of about a minute I: bounced 2 shots from an M18, took a through-and-through from a KV-1 for no damage, had my track blown off for no damage, bounced a shot from an M41 before finally getting knocked out by the M41 on his second shot. Next round I took out an Easy 8, Tiger II, and a Panther. Some good luck right now.
  6. Distillery District is named... "The Gooderham & Worts Distillery" Just sayin'
  7. I'm cheering for Germany, Netherlands and Ireland. I am also cheering for Portugal, Spain and England as my Tier II teams. I don't want to see Italy win.
  8. Yeah, BS. I love how the announcer asked whether he watched the same fight the judges did. Pac won, no doubt.
  9. I think you are misunderstanding Luongo's contract. The cap it is only 5.3 and it has an out-clause for the team owning the contract in 4 years I believe. Also... four years from now, his actual income drops dramatically, right around retirement age... And Parker, if you think you are getting Luongo for Komisarek and a couple mid round picks you have lost your mind.
  10. Lol: "Foreign Dangers Financial Turmoil In Europe Leads To Homosexuality Being Made Mandatory In All EU States"
  11. You lied on your enlistment! IMMEDIATE DISCHARGE!
  12. I have an Airedale Terrier named Guinness. He is a menace.
  13. How many are legitimately available though?
  14. Congrats Kaba!
  15. Fair enough. I just don't think he is a good person.
  16. I don't like Tiger.
  17. Congratulations everyone! So much hard work has gone into making our server the best in the world. #1 Ranked server for the #1 Unit
  18. I would suggest that if you are going to bump an old topic and not add constructively to the discussion, you do it respectfully.
  19. No. 5? Please tell me you named them numbers. " These are my children, One, Two, Three, Four and Five."
  20. False, no woman can actually drive like that.
  21. I see your pulled pork, and raise you my pulled pork. Complete with Tomato Gazpacho, and home made fries.
  22. Happy Birthday!
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