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Gooderham 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Gooderham 1st MRB

  1. Happy Birthday!
  2. Does that sound entirely inappropriate to anyone else?
  3. Republicans want less government intervention in their daily lives, but want the government to decide whether they should maintain a pregnancy? That doesn't make any sense. Hilarious vid.
  4. Happy Birthday!
  5. This issue is more or less resolved. The side keys on my Razer Deathadder are fried, so I just don't use them anymore.
  6. Done it. I was told not to return to my English class for the remainder of the year. I ran Omaha beach, as though it were DDay, then plunged head first into the sand at the sea wall.
  7. @ Magoo: Win. I actually laughed, and considering I have NO heart whatsoever... well played sir. @ Richards: That's fucked up man. @Logsdon: WTF man? Are you worried about other guys asking why you have wood? Or are you concerned about the fact that you get wood around other guys? I'm not sure what you are actually asking.
  8. Illegal activities should not be discussed. Please keep that in mind.
  9. Or Phoenix or Dallas or...
  10. Looks awesome. Sort of reminded me of the game "The Saboteur"
  11. I couldn't watch the entire video, my rage began to swell. I got to the 10 min mark and had to stop. These people are unfit for human contact, it makes me sick.
  12. fuck da' bruins
  13. Hawks are gone.
  14. Good hockey play.
  15. Zorbanos, the reason more women don't come forward is because acknowledging the rape is also self-stigmatization. The woman will forever be known, not just to herself, as a "rape victim." I am of the belief that no man, nor woman, should ever make unwanted sexual advancements on another individual. Alcohol should not be an excuse for what amounts to dishonourable actions. I believe in honour and chivalry, and it seems as though these are cast aside in cases of sexual assault.
  16. Daaaaaaaammmmmmnnnnn
  17. I've wanted to install a train horn onto my car for awhile now. It would be hilarious.
  18. Good hockey play.
  19. Nice GIF, about two weeks too late for the Leafs.
  20. Perhaps we would have to use logo's of our own construction with no direct mentino of the 1st MRB?
  21. Happy Birthday Marsden!
  22. Lol, top ramen. Thats awesome.
  23. Come at me bro.
  24. Last night I managed to install the latest drivers through the Razer Driver program. The computer then said that the device was not up to date. Ok, so doing what you suggested, I went to double check the device manager and found this: Under Mice and Pointers it found the "HID-compliant mouse" described as "Razer DeathAdder mouse" and "Razer Device" Unknown Device I tried to update the HID-compliant mouse, but it told me that the device is up to date.
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