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Gooderham 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Gooderham 1st MRB

  1. I know right? lawl. I'm just kidding, this sounds like a fun idea.
  2. How are you going to get the PTU?
  3. God damned Panda...
  4. Debatable at best. Oh, and way to pick up a bunch of Pittsburgh players so that you can win fantasy hockey this week.
  5. They won't get past the first round if they play Pittsburgh.
  6. I hope it was the good kind of emergency, know what I'm sayin'?
  7. I went traditional sandwich today. Potato Baguette with aged white cheddar, ham, red onion, and tomato.
  8. Dillon are you Gob or the big guy?
  9. Those are good, here is my current favourite:
  10. Dirty player with a history of throwing dirty elbows. Should be 5+. The length doesn't matter to the Canucks if Daniel is out for the season and playoffs.
  11. Clown spelled his first name wrong...
  12. That's great news! I have had my dog escape a couple times and it is really terrifying. Then again, this is the same dog that ate 1lb. of pure sugar, 2lbs. of chocolate and a couple bottles of medicine he scorfed off the counter. I think he is made of cast iron and dog shit.
  13. March Madness is an appropriate name because it makes me mad that I can't watch sports highlights without being inundated with basketball news. Oh, yaaa, another shitty 3-pointer.
  14. -1 Manson.
  16. Some people who review alcohol are full of themselves. I don't mind a person describing the flavour etc. but don't make the rest of us feel like idiots. This guy isn't bad.
  17. Needs less yelling.
  18. And Yankees fans know, money CAN buy happiness.
  19. Nah, Nick Frost:
  20. Thanks everyone!
  21. The StugIII, a couple Panzers, the M4 and T-34 are on sale.
  22. Thanks everyone! I have spent my birthday writing an essay and preparing for another one. Unfortunately, I won't be able to really kick off any celebrations until next week or until our Anniversary Party. But you know that just means I will be partying harder
  23. We are all very sorry for the loss. The world has lost a valiant young man undoubtedly. If you wish to speak with someone, let the Morale Office know, we are here for you.
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