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Gooderham 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Gooderham 1st MRB

  1. So, what games are coming out that have people hot and bothered? What is going to be the MUST have game of the year? What will you all be killing time playing over the next year?
  2. Damn, add this to the pile of games I need to get.
  3. That was awesome!
  4. So I'm defs going to need a new vid card.
  5. Lets go Ravens!
  6. YEA! Lets break ALL THE THINGS!
  7. When I saw that that was my 2000th post, I lol'd
  8. Anyone seen my 2000th? I lost it...
  9. Both videos are simply amazing.
  10. I just reload my gun.
  11. Its going to be great.
  12. Some new runes. http://na.leagueoflegends.com/news/new-runes-now-available
  13. They see me rollin' they hatin'
  14. My favourite part about the MLB is though I cheer for some teams over others (and never for the Yankees) I don't feel devoted solely to one team. That means that I can tune into any game with any team and enjoy it. Mariners/Jays Giants/Angels/Athletics/Marlins/Rays/Orioles/Braves All others Red Sox Yankees
  15. Alright, whoever wants in, PM your email and I will get you set up. The Draft will be DEC 21 at 9PM EST I currently have 9 Spots available and am willing to add/drop teams. Also, League Rules have not yet been finalized.
  16. Pujols and CJ Wilson. End of story.
  17. Parker do you want to set this up?
  18. So... 1. Gooderham 2. Parker 3. Engle 4. Coogan 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
  19. I respectfully disagree. It sounds like you had a crappy experience. Mexico is amazing if you are willing to just hang out and do what the locals do.
  20. I just don't want that shit in my history! Happy Birthday Dawson! I hope it is awesome!
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