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Gooderham 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Gooderham 1st MRB

  1. The games have gotten really bad in my opinion. They seem to lack any sort of tactical element and eventually resort to run and gun gameplay. I hope they go back and make a WWII game with the graphic and engine capabilities they currently have. If they made a game that really emphasized team play and a more realistic combat arena I could get behind them again.
  2. I must say, I'm a little worried. The Seahawks have looked sloppy the last couple weeks.
  3. If it weren't for Reimer it could have easily been 8-0 for Vancouver last night. He made some ridiculous saves at the start of the game.
  4. "Oh Henry!"'s?
  5. That 1930's pic is creepy
  6. Yeah, but now they have Wang and Snow.
  7. Yeah, thats an absolutely terrible deal for the Islanders. Moulson is a good player making about half of what Vanek makes AND they lose a first and second round pick. Thats rough.
  8. Title and thread is self explanatory. Costumes? Taking the kids out? Getting freaky with your old lady because she is wearing a sexy kitten costume (ya weirdos)? Favourite candy? What are you handing out? Have you decorated your place so its scary as shit? Party plans?
  9. The Command Staff will be in discussion in the coming days for a new award for a troll of this magnitude. I commend you on your commitment to the task and the complete feigned sincerity in which it was carried out. Well done.
  10. Guys, it's a week later and I'm still full. Should I call my doctor? It has lasted more than 4 hours...
  11. Why has no one made a joke about sex?
  12. You are welcome. I do what I can...
  13. Happy Thanksgiving!
  14. Dat satahday tho
  15. Ya heard?
  16. Congrats man!
  17. I feel badly for Oilers fans, Katz seems to be jerking them around a lot. Edmonton deserves a hockey team and it would be a damned shame if that moron decided to move the team because the city wouldn't build him a new rink. I would love to see expansion to Seattle. It would be absolutely fantastic for the Canucks because it would shorten their travel considerably. Additionally, a team would become an instant rival for the Canucks and fans would be willing to travel which means that they would sell out all Seattle/Vancouver games.
  18. I don't think you can have the sport without fighting. I find the staged fights a little pointless, but I love watching two good players drop the mitts. I think that it is safer to have this 'legal' illegal than to have players playing with the intent to hurt each other. I would rather see a few concussions and injuries from fights than those caused by blatantly reckless and intentional attempts to injure another player.
  19. Hockey is an inherently dangerous sport. It's people skating around a slick surface at high speeds, wearing plastic gear, intentionally colliding with one another, chasing a dense rubber puck (which flies around at high speeds), WITH blades attached to there feet that are clearly capable of killing someone. Fighting is part of the game.
  20. Should be an interesting season.
  21. I hope everyone was ok, but that is really funny.
  22. I can't think of anything worse than waking up to metal, heavy metal or screamo.
  23. I'm in the market for wingers. I've got a bunch of good centremen, so let me know if anything is of interest.
  24. Hahaha
  25. +1. In addition, travelling Canadians will call you on it and then you will look like a massive asshole in front of that pretty French chick you are trying to hit on. TrueStoryBro
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