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Gooderham 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Gooderham 1st MRB

  1. Greatest game on earth.
  2. While yes, I do agree that there are other issues that are of at least equal importance, I'm not sure how you have, seemingly arbitrarily, decided that you can not "construct and recognize" homosexuality, or how you justify equating homosexuality with pedophilia. Somehow you jumped to the conclusion that American society is founded in both secularism and religion, despite the evidence which clearly states otherwise. Finally, are you suggesting that America allow same sex marriage but use a different name for it? Please do not misunderstand what I am saying, I don't think that you are bigoted, nor homophobic (etc), I am simply trying to understand your point of view.
  3. This is awesome: Media reports through the evening suggest that the Flames will announce that they have traded Iginla to the Bruins for some mediocre prospects. The press tells everyone that the announcement will probably not be made until tomorrow because it is too late in Boston to make an announcement of this magnitude. So the game ends, and everyone is told that in fact, there WILL be a presser by the Flames GM. While the media is waiting for the presser and only seconds before the Flames GM takes the stage, Bob McKenzie reports that Iginla has actually been traded to the Penguins. The hockey world explodes.
  4. Very good. Would watch again.
  5. I can't understand why some people would deny others the opportunity to be happy. The religion argument is, IMHO, ridiculous. The USA supposedly separated church from state centuries ago so it shouldn't have any bearing on the discussion.
  6. Lol. What a terrible announcer. Jack Edwards for NESN calls the Boston Bruins games and is a total fucking asshole. He laughs when players get hurt and calls them bitches for it.
  7. Anti-authority would be to not infringe on the rights of American people through the government.
  8. Conversely, it could be really exciting as teams try to offload big contracts to teams who are able to take them.
  9. This is going to be awesome.
  10. If you can convince them to put a Marine Raider named Parker in the game I would promote you to 1st Lt.
  11. OH NOES! I can't play?
  12. Every artist I have typed in I got "Canadian Rye" as the primary ingredient.
  13. Thanks everyone!
  14. A legend for sure. Sad to see him go. Any true hockey fan can probably sing most of the song from memory.
  15. I know as a Canucks fan my team is accused of diving a lot, but honestly, that video was amazing.
  16. Glorious. I actually laughed out loud.
  17. If you are not allowed to have them, you can't have them. Simple.
  18. First: Dinner. It's most likely too late to make reservations somewhere. Invite her over and cook her something that you know she will like. She will appreciate the effort that you made. Second: candles. Light some candles. That shit is romantic and sets the mood immediately. Third: Flowers. If you are able to pick her up AND drop her off have flowers for her at your place that she can take home with her. If you are picking her up but she is getting herself home, bring flowers with you and leave them at her house. Finally: Gifts. Valentines Day isn't about spending money on presents (or at least it shouldn't be). It is about spending time with someone you care about and is a reminder of how much you care about each other. "Taking things seriously" isn't about going over the top, it's about being heartfelt, open and honest. Bon Chance.
  19. I'm just surprised he hit the net.
  20. Hilarious.
  21. I have a MAC. But I also already own this game for PC. Haven't played it much though.
  22. Zombie Bump
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