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Gooderham 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Gooderham 1st MRB

  1. Yes, I have it bound to something else currently. However, the mouse is not particularly responsive.
  2. After a lot of fiddling, I have decided it is my mouse that isn't working. The keyboard seems to be working fine, no issues, but the mouse is not working. The two macro buttons on my Razer Deathadder are non responsive.
  3. Desktop. I turned it off, giving up, and have now turned it back on and it seems to be working pretty well...
  4. That is probably true, but the issue is that my system believes the ALT key to be in use all the time, which it is not.
  5. Name: Gooderham Rank: Captain Type of issue: Hardware/Software Brief Description of Issue: Alright, so on my mouse I had button #5 bound to the Right ALT key, and the Right ALT key bound to Vent. This was the only way to have my mouse used in Vent. Now, my ALT keys are permanently keyed. I enabled the on-screen keyboard to show what was happening, and I can see that both the left and right keys are being hit. I have tried a new mouse, and all combinations of unplugging and trying to fix it. I can't do anything. ***Medical Supply Staff ONLY Below this line*** Current Status: Resolved Main Technician: WO. M. McDowell Supporting Technician:
  6. - Link to BBC One of whom was Nicole Minetti, just google the name.
  7. PIT/PHI game was insane. So how many 'nucks fans do we have here?
  8. As long as it says: "Pay Up Sucka"
  9. I bought a 3 day account so that I could get a 7 day premium on Sunday night. I didn't realize they had a promo! Also, wouldn't it be 1.5x5 for the bonus?
  10. I had to check it that was actually tweeted, and it was, that is pretty funny. Not very professional though.
  11. I'm not a big fan of tattoo's but my advice would be to put together something you would like and then look at it for the next 6 months. If you still like it...
  12. enst enst enst enst enst enst enst *sweet rave party* enst enst enst enst enst enst enst
  13. Don't worry, nothing big ever happens until I go away on a vacation it seems...
  14. Oh I love the hate. I just don't like the vicious lies. Hate because we are good.
  15. I read this article in a Toronto paper about why the Canucks should not be Canada's team. I really had no animosity towards the Leafs prior to that and if we were out and they were in I would have cheered the Canadian team. After reading the article I just can't. It was factually wrong and mostly slanderous.
  16. The problem is, Janke, that we will never know how many crimes the registry has prevented. You can talk about all the gun crimes that have been committed anyways, but you are not able to show statistics to validate your claims. Your data about whether cops support the registry also included that little clause that they "didn't trust the validity of the data." Just because your name doesn't show up on the registry doesn't mean you don't own a rifle, and cops will treat every situation in the same way. I see no reason why people who have a legitimate use for a rifle should have a worry about the registry. A hunter or farmer with a rifle used to hunt or protect livestock isn't the problem; it's the urbanite with 5 rifles, a couple shotguns and a handgun for the range.
  17. I only use products endorsed by prostitute beaters.
  18. What I want to know is: Why were you getting your hair cut at Walmart?
  19. I disagree with you entirely Janke. The ownership of a gun is, in Canada, a privilege not a right. If you want to own a hunting rifle, then you must apply to purchase it; and it the past system register. Society, not the government, has every right to know if you have access to a firearm that could be used to fatally wound or maim someone. If a police officer, responding to a domestic dispute call, is shot at because he isn't legally allowed to know if the perpetrator owns a gun, what value do we put on the life of someone trying to protect society? No one wants the government knowing everything about ourselves, but how can we value that privacy over the safety of all members of the community? Holland: True, there is an issue with the acceptance of Canadian Law and expectations over personal beliefs (honour killings, etc.) but this does not mean that immigration is the sole issue. What you have said is essentially prejudice. The failure of the Canadian system to "assimilate" new-Canadians into the community is only responsible for a small portion of the problem. Kirkendall: Mainly ourselves.
  20. Easy 8 is on sale!
  21. Happy Birthday!
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