I lol'ed. I knew fans were going to be ecstatic when Wilson was fired, but I also knew that Carlyle would probably be hired. I find it highly amusing, the Burke giveth, and the Burke taketh.
Except those were seperate deals. Pahlsson was traded for 2 4th Round picks and Ellington. We traded Hodgson and Sulzer for Kassian and MA Gragnani. I think it will be a good deal for us in the long run. It certainly sounds like there were some off ice issues between the organization and Hodgson's camp.
I sent out emails to everyone who has asked to join the league. I used the email address listed with 1st MRB User info, if you didn't receive one, send me a PM with a different email address.
Newfoundland is pretty awesome. The friendliest people I have ever met, beautiful landscape and hilarious place names (I'm looking at you Dildo).
Home Sweet Home:
(maybe mute the sound)