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Gooderham 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Gooderham 1st MRB

  1. Big long ding dong penis.
  2. I lol'ed. I knew fans were going to be ecstatic when Wilson was fired, but I also knew that Carlyle would probably be hired. I find it highly amusing, the Burke giveth, and the Burke taketh.
  3. Happy Birthday guys!
  4. Except those were seperate deals. Pahlsson was traded for 2 4th Round picks and Ellington. We traded Hodgson and Sulzer for Kassian and MA Gragnani. I think it will be a good deal for us in the long run. It certainly sounds like there were some off ice issues between the organization and Hodgson's camp.
  5. Which means... I got my Tiger.
  6. Starting tomorrow: Heavyweight Clash Sale
  7. I sent out emails to everyone who has asked to join the league. I used the email address listed with 1st MRB User info, if you didn't receive one, send me a PM with a different email address.
  8. Sorry, I don't listen to country.
  9. Sounds like Minny handled it kind of poorly. Can't believe we traded Cody.
  10. Happy Birthday guys!
  11. Maybe...
  12. Alright Yager, hope you are wearing your big boy pants today.
  13. Everyone who can should be tuning in for the Canucks/Red Wings game tonight. 730EST start. Should be a hell of a game.
  14. Why was it made by "canadianmatt3"?
  15. Newfoundland is pretty awesome. The friendliest people I have ever met, beautiful landscape and hilarious place names (I'm looking at you Dildo). Home Sweet Home: (maybe mute the sound)
  16. Unbelievable.
  17. Looks like the second picture is of Gio.
  18. Says I live in one of the most expensive postal codes in NA.
  19. Check this out.
  20. Is anyone interested? Sign up now! 1. Parker 2. Englebretson 3. Gooderham 4. Coogan 5. Hudson 6. Watkis 7. Teachey 8. Maines 9. Bill Nye 10. Click 11.
  21. If you include recipes, you should also include photos of what it looked like when you made it. I forgot I have some recipes to add.
  22. So. Not bad so far eh?
  23. Yikes. Didn't even realize that was a woman.
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