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Gooderham 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Gooderham 1st MRB

  1. Well done. I see that you will work nicely here.
  2. You asshole. Minnesota is jelly of my Twins.
  3. Jones, you sly dog you. Beautiful car. If always wanted a Lotus, and with the new Evora, thats my goal. Anyways, I have ridden in the Lotus 25 redux. So much fun. Here is what Wiki said:
  4. Probably this: Hmmm, let me think about this one.
  5. I know or have known all but 1 of those people (Pros). LMAO, great video. +1 to Engle.
  6. Well Parker... the video got referenced in the NYTimes today.
  7. how would you discover this talent...
  8. Well, so this is awkward...
  9. Unless, you know, they can't act...
  10. Happy Birthday!
  11. Ummm, Eli Manning?
  12. Ravens/Giants I hate the Patriots. Go Ravens.
  13. Thats what i roll with.
  14. 3/4 aint bad.
  15. I guess I was wrong about the Pack.
  16. Yeah man, take your coat off, it looks like a nice day...
  17. 49ers/Patriots/Ravens/Packers I'm cheering for the Giants though.
  18. Not really, I am just messing with you. Usually it is a good idea to keep that stuff to the PO because we have some pretty heated political discussions. But I really don't care.
  19. Well, if thats you on the left whose the guy taking the ice cube off your ass?
  20. you best be leavin that shit in the political office
  21. I've never heard of it. It sounds cool though.
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