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B. O'Hare 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by B. O'Hare 1st MRB

  1. Granted, you're now allergic to everything but oranges. I wish Thanksgiving was here.
  2. Granted, but it comes with the rocket launcher attachment and an insatiable lust for blood. I wish I was as good as Cannon with the sniper in DoD:S
  3. Granted, Pikachu evolves and realizes he's a strong independent Raichu that don't need no Ash. Leaving Ash with a collection of pokemon he's scorned over the years that he is now forced to rely on. Ash dies lonely and heart broken that his only true friend left him. I wish that Mountain Dew Baja Blast was always available at places other than Taco Bell.
  4. Tried a few simple tweaks to no avail. Thompson realized the problem was within some of the effects he had enabled within his mic setup. He changed those around and the buzzing stopped.
  5. I talked with Ascencio in vent for a while and did some basic trouble shooting. I narrowed it down to two possible suspects by looking through a bunch of archived forum posts (Tom's Hardware mainly). The first suspect was a potential error with RealTek, but Ascencio doesn't have Realtek installed on his system so that eliminated that possibility. Through looking at a few support posts on Logitech's support forums the idea of a potential wiring issue within the headset itself came to light. At this point through the troubleshooting that I've done with Ascencio I suspect a hardware issue with the actual headset is the culprit. This being said if any other technician has any ideas feel free to present them. Until then it might be time to start headset shopping.
  6. Name: Limcak1 Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:89982483 Reasons for the Ban: Multiple TKs across maps with repeated warnings. Upon start of new map shot me in spawn and then left. Recommended duration of ban: 1 day Demo Provided?: Y/N
  7. I really like this piece. His reaction during the performance was entertaining.
  8. Now you know what's gonna happen if you do keep up with your Hunny-do list.
  9. Poor Beglar.
  10. G Visca: So....what's our policy on dog vagina's? D. Lystad: What? H. Stone: What?
  11. Small - Big E. Smalls
  12. How'd you find that picture of me?
  13. Name: SLAY3R145 Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:53669446 Reasons for the Ban: Multiple TK in spawn, immediately fled the server. Recommended duration of ban: 1 day Demo Provided?: Y/N N
  14. I'm playing now. Entropyz is my ign.
  15. Name: The Sayid Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:14366232 Reasons for the Ban: Three teamkills in spawn with a sniper and then immediately left the server. Recommended duration of ban: N/A Demo Provided?: Y/N N - SSgt. Martin and SSgt. Newman were there.
  16. Happy birthday!
  17. Good example of a high quality game. Flaming water.
  18. Fun game that some of us have been playing lately. It's a standalone version of the old mod. It's on sale right now as part of the steam summer sale. http://store.steampowered.com/app/222880/
  19. Homework for me was always the place that I cemented ideas that I was taught during the day. I don't really see how teachers are going to be expected to not only teach them what they need, but to make sure the kids remember it one day at a time. Then again I have no idea how the Swedish school system works as far as the amount of material they are required to go over in a year.
  20. You cheated! This is your 500th post, celebrating your 500th post. Just kidding, congrats man!
  21. Happy Birthday, hope it's a good one.
  22. Silver 2, looking for others to play/duo with. Name = Daegorz Add me and let's play.
  23. L. Barry - "Is this an ARAM?" A. Mottola - "No this is a BRAM, as I be ramming my dick up your ass"
  24. I should be able to help you out. Add me on steam. Edit: I am not able to help. Perhaps someone else will be able to.
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