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S. Larson 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by S. Larson 1st MRB

  1. I know you guys use Medal.tv, I'm not entirely sure how/where it saves your video files but any sort of recordings for games usually start adding up and take up a lot of space. I'd check to see where that's being saved and try to clear that out. Just remember to empty the recycle bin on your desktop to help clear up some space. If Medal.tv does store video files locally, I'd see if you can possibly change the location of where it gets saved to; you could point the save location to a new folder on your 1tb Hard Drive if it's generally empty.
  2. Name: SKIBIDI Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:608560606 Duration of Ban: Permanent Reasons for the Ban: Aimbot Demo Provided?: No Comments: Multiple members were in the server at the time, including CWO. Martinez. This person was walking around, ramboing with the MG and was getting headshots on everyone from across the map.
  3. Name: Bart Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:700450205 Duration of Ban: Permanent Reasons for the Ban: Inappropriate Language Demo Provided?: No Comments: Came in, team killed someone then started screaming the N word.
  4. Scinta - "Amazon prime's going to charge me.... well how about this...? EXPIRED CREDIT CARD" *laughs with malicious intent*
  5. From an event I went to with the GF.
  6. Martinez and E. Small playing chess... Small - "Wtf is that move you just pulled there Marty?" Martinez - "I have no idea what the actual move is called but it's called fucking you"
  7. Hello everyone, We're happy to announce the re-opening of our HLL server! Last night, 11/25/22 marked the soft opening of our server. We will be looking at doing a grand opening event at 7PM EST 11/26/22 to kick off our expansion into HLL. Feel free to join us for our grand opening! Invite your friends as well! Signed, The Command Staff
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  8. Ok, I don't understand why this derailed into this type of conversation, but allow me to bring this train back on the tracks. As to your suggestion, I can bring this up at one of the next Command Staff meetings and the Officers and I will decide if we want to make any adjustments to how we enforce this rule. As to the other comments made in this thread; the point is to bring up a suggestion and ask for a possible change in the way things work. That's perfectly fine and I see no one "complaining" here. Also, to clarify, the two members posting here do not speak for the unit as a whole and were speaking from their own perspectives.
  9. I’m going to go ahead and lock this topic. I appreciate you taking the time to write out this long and egotistical rant. Personally, had you simply requested an unban request asking us to review our decision I’d have happily unbanned you. But since you don’t want to take the time to do so, then banned you will stay. I don’t care for people grandstanding and acting condescending, and honestly no matter how right you may be, it always undermines any argument you make. I suggest you learn to humble yourself a bit more and perhaps people will listen to you.
  10. Unban Request Denied.
  11. It appears that since he was banned by you the user has not returned to the server. If he does and this occurs again we will upgrade his ban to a permanent one.
  12. User was banned for 3 days by Crafton.
  13. I believe it's because the post was archived into a private section of the forums. If anything we can possibly move it back to the main enlist section for you to view it. I'll have my Recruitment Officer look into this, it may take a day or two though so please be patient. Thanks.
  14. Please fill out the proper format; Unban Request Forms Once you do we will look into your ban.
  15. Name: Wilford Brimley/MajorPayne (Forums)/ds1615 (Discord) Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:11788193 IP Address :: Duration of Ban: Permanent Reasons for the Ban: Harassment of Admins, Disrespect of Admins/Members. Demo Provided?: No. Comments: To clarify: You were banned by SSgt. Faller, not 1stLt. Candy. You come into our discord server and write the following: You then register on the forums and send this: Considering your behavior, and repeated harassment of our members for policing the server, you will no longer be allowed to play on the server. Your discord account, and forums account have also been banned. In short, go find somewhere else to play. There will be no appeal for this ban.
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  16. If you're asking what the ban means, it means you have another account that was banned while using the same IP. Account 1 is banned, a person joins on Account 2. Account 1 & 2 share the same IP, the SourceBan plugin detects that and then bans the 2nd account. If you're referring to a ban you received, please fill out the following Unban Request: Ban/Unban Request Forms.
  17. Name: fair champion Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:459626435 Duration of Ban: Permanent Reasons for the Ban: Aimbot Demo Provided?: Yes Comments: Demo provided. champ1.dem
  18. Looking into your situation it looks like the following happened: You were banned and tried to join on the alternate account, it picked up your IP and detected a duplicate account and banned your alternate account for two days. Now that your alternate account is banned for 2 days, your original account is unbanned but joining on that one prompted SourceBans to ban you again because of the alternate account still being banned. Moral of the story is this; when you get banned coming back on an alternate account is not ok. I'm going to leave the bans in place, don't try to circumvent bans again.
  19. After spending some time looking into this, we will be addressing the matter internally and will be taking steps to ensure this doesn't happen in the future.
  20. I will be locking this topic for the time being while we look into this and go through everything. Please understand that it may take a few days before we respond. If there is more that you need to add, you may edit your original post and add it there. We may reach out to you for follow up if we have questions.
  21. Ban Report: (Server Admins Only) You are REQUIRED to post a Ban Report if you have issued a permanent ban. You can post a Ban Report ONLY if: A. You have issued a permanent ban. B. You know that the ban will be contested and are providing hard evidence and reasoning for the ban Topic Title ex. Ban Report :: RecipientName [b]Name:[/b] [b]Steam I.D:[/b] [b]Duration of Ban:[/b] [b]Reasons for the Ban:[/b] [b]Video Provided?:[/b] Y/N [b]Comments:[/b]
  22. Ban Request Create a new topic with the following template: Topic Title ex. Ban Request :: RecipientName Copy and paste the following into the body of your post in the MP Office's Hell Let Loose section: [b]Name:[/b] [b]Steam I.D:[/b] [b]Reasons for the Ban:[/b] [b]Recommended duration of ban:[/b] ________________________________________________________________________________ Unban Request Create a new topic with the following template: Topic Title ex. Unban Request :: YourName Copy and paste the following into the body of your post in the MP Office's Hell Let Loose section: [b]Name:[/b] [b]Steam I.D:[/b] [b]Date & Time of ban:[/b] [b]Reason we should Unban:[/b] Click here if you are unsure how to obtain a Steam I.D.
  23. Current List of Server Admins 1st MRB Server Admins 1stLt. J. Samuels 2ndLt. J. Logue CWO R. Martinez CWO. S. Warren WO S. Belcher WO. A. Pitteway MSgt. J. Candy TSgt. Y. Muthas TSgt. C. Smith SSgt. D. Galbraith Cpl. N. Brooks Pfc. C. Thibeault
  24. Current Map Rotation Map Cycle Carentan - Warfare St Mere Eglise - Warfare Utah Beach - Warfare Foy - Warfare Stalingrad - Offensive - Soviet Omaha Beach - Warfare Purple Heart Lane - Warfare Kursk - Warfare Remagen - Warfare Hurtgen Forest Night - Warfare Stalingrad - Warfare St Mere Eglise - Offensive - US Carentan - Offensive - Germany St. Marie Dumont - Warfare Purple Heart Lane Night - Warfare Stalingrad - Offensive - Germany
  25. Welcome to the 1st Marine Raider Battalion Server! There's a reason why they call us... Devil Dogs ———————————————— Our rules are as follows. Rule #1: No offensive, toxic, derogatory, or racist language is allowed. Rule #2: Cheating is not allowed and will result in a permanent ban. Rule #3: Do not intentionally team kill or revenge kill your teammates. Rule #4: Impersonation of 1st MRB members or using 1st MRB tags will result in a permanent ban. Rule #5: All commanders and squad leaders shall have a microphone and play the objectives as a team. Rule #6: Do not spam voice or text chat. Rule #7: Advertising of other units or clans is prohibited. Rule #8: The 1st MRB admins reserve the right to punish any player at their discretion. Server seeding rules until 40 players: 1. Only fight over middle objective (MUST DEFEND WITHIN 1 GRID SQUARE OF THE STRONGPOINT). 2. No tanks, artillery, or bombing runs. (SUPPLY DROPS ARE PERMITTED) 3. No camping enemy garrisons or outposts during seeding rules, to avoid killing the game action during low player count.
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