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S. Larson 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by S. Larson 1st MRB

  1. Name: .L2k Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:820374 Duration of Ban: Permanent Reasons for the Ban: Anti-recoil Demo Provided?: Yes. l2k4.dem l2k5.dem Comments: Observed this player for awhile, at some point noticed that there was little to no recoil when firing the support from the standing position. Once he switched to sniper there is no weapon sway at all while scoped in and standing.
  2. Happy Birthday bud, your gift will be your sweater back (eventually)
  3. Great read as always! Good job to the Newsletter Staff.
  4. To put some clarifications here for you. I spoke with Capt. Samuels about it and we have decided that: You can try to get people to join the competitive side if they want by leaving an informative post on our forums (this one will suffice). You may not self advertise people to join specific groups, and you may not advertise joining of groups on our server. Again you can advertise about the competitive leagues/matches/gameplay but not specific groups or ask them to join groups. If it is causing us to lose enlistments, we reserve the right to disallow advertising of any kind for this at any point. We will not put up advertisements on the server for you. To protect yourself and prevent any sort of misunderstandings I’d recommend not trying to advertise on the public server. If people come to you with interest about competitive play you can direct them to this post on our forums. It’s a bit of a gray area and I’d like to avoid any issues moving forward. Thanks.
  5. Some pictures so far from my trip to Florida:
  6. Duplicate request. Player already unbanned. Link to other request.
  7. Name: asdasdagfdhunjdfghfg Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:433233695 Duration of Ban: Permanent Reasons for the Ban: Aimbot Demo Provided?: No Comments: User came into the server, ran around with the MG and was ramboing with instant headshots across the map.
  8. Great job to the Newsletter Staff. Was an excellent edition!
  9. May 10, 2021 7:08:41 pm | cheating faggot May 10, 2021 6:50:44 pm | this map is huge faggotry May 7, 2021 10:13:09 pm | FUCKING MACHINE GUN FAGGOTS May 7, 2021 11:09:21 pm | FUCKINGF CAMPING ASS MONKEY FUCKING COONS List of our server rules that appears on our MOTD. I'm going to reduce your ban to 1 week. This is your ONLY chance, your next infraction will result in a longer ban. Also, while there is no rule against swearing, almost every single line from your chat involved you insulting someone... I'd highly recommend you changing that as that is a great way to catch a permanent gag on the server.
  10. Name: Sincraid | picklemaster202 Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:504721219 | STEAM_0:1:527311595 Duration of Ban: Permanent Reasons for the Ban: Racism Demo Provided?: No Comments: Mic spamming, both then dropped the N word in chat.
  11. Name: Horrible Mongrel Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:156037826 Duration of Ban: Permanent Reasons for the Ban: Aimbot Demo Provided?: Yes Comments: User had a previous ban from 2016 for hacking, somehow was able to get into the server. Ban has been manually added on the banned_ip.cfg and has also been re-banned through sourcebans. mongrel1.dem
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  12. Name: B0ruk Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:29966675 Duration of Ban: Permanent Reasons for the Ban: Aimbot Demo Provided?: No. Comments: User was circumventing a previous ban from 2018 by using a different IP. User was IP banned again with the following IP:
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  13. Nice read! Glad to see I am still the master of pistols haha
  14. Apex, One of our Senior MPs banned you for the using bigoted language. We have logs that track what people write on the server and after looking into your chat log, the ban was warranted. Please keep in mind that we do not allow that type of language on the server. If you needed reference to which line in particular, here it is.
  15. I think I was a 1stSgt, I skipped SgtMaj Also yeah I finished college in May 2020. Feels weird it's been almost a year already since I've been out. Been working for a pharmaceutical company and I have 2 coaching jobs for fencing now. It's been busy but I've been enjoying it.
  16. Your ban expired a few days ago. Please keep in mind that Friendly Fire is on for our server. Team killing and wounding excessively/intentionally can result in a kick or ban. Please be sure to read our !motd upon return.
  17. Glad to see life has been good to you these past few years. Nice to hear from you and I hope to see you in pop in Discord from time to time when able!
  18. Fantastic job. It's always wonderful to see all of the hard work you guys have put in finally pulled all together.
  19. Me from a few weeks ago. Merry Christmas everyone!
  20. Name: Hstgf.Wolfgang [3te PGD][A] Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:34847330 Duration of Ban: Permanent Reasons for the Ban: Team Kills totaling over 50. Demo Provided?: No Comments: Screenshots attached.
  21. Thank you for posting on our forums. I will go ahead and reduce your ban to one day, however please note that this decision can be overruled by the MP Deputy Chief or MP Chief. Please note that we do not condone team killing of any kind, and this includes revenge team killing. If someone is breaking our rules it does not mean that gives you the right to break them as well. If it happens again in the future there are a few courses of action you can take: 1) Add any SSgt+ or any of our members with the tag [1st MRB|MP] to your Steam Friends and ask them for assistance. 2) Join our Discord server and throw a message in our #public_chat channel and give us that person's name and Steam ID if possible. 3) Come to our forums here and post a Ban Request with the player's information and what they were doing.
  22. 2ndLt. x1 = 13 TSgt x1 = 6 Sgt x2 = 8 + -------------------- 27 Points
  23. Name: Gucci Mane Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:47998811 Recommended Duration of Mute/Gag/Silence: Permanent Reasons for the Mute/Gag/Silence: Came into the server yesterday for mic spamming, joined today and immediately tried to start the same shenanigans again. Witnesses present?: Fielding, Burke Comments: Perhaps in a few weeks we can remove it if he returns, but for now I'd recommend leaving it in place.
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  24. Name: Paul-Houde´ Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:11117445 Duration of Ban: Permanent Reasons for the Ban: Harassment of MRB Members Demo Provided?: No Comments: Continual Harassment of MRB Members after being explicitly instructed not to contact them further.
  25. I was actually just looking at the Logs for something and noticed this. He has been banned for 1 day. Also in the event you need an admin, try to post a message in battalion_chat on Discord. If someone is online they may be able to take care of it. One last thing, for ban requests if you can, just remember to post it using the proper format located here.
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