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S. Larson 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by S. Larson 1st MRB

  1. Name: Howard Payne Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:31971610 Reasons for the Ban: Intentionally Tk'ing. Fled the server immediately after. Recommended duration of ban: Up to discretion of Admin. Demo Provided?: No, but SSgt. G. Brault was there.
  2. Name: Kippura Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:102974792 Reasons for the Ban: Intentionally Team Killing, because he wanted to capture the tank on Donner, even though it wasn't a 5v5. Also shot me once before punching and killing me. Recommended duration of ban: Up to discretion of Admin. Demo Provided?:
  3. Gotta love Gibbs :3
  4. Have fun with fireworks and BBQs! Have a great one everybody!
  5. Some of my favorites: Mobile Land Fortress Combat Lawn Gnomes Halo Master Chief Suit Ringwraith Costume
  6. Name: Mini Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:120832474 Reasons for the Ban: Team Killing, when warned, told me to "Go fuck myself" or something to that nature. Recommended duration of ban: 1-2 Days, has a previous ban for Team Wounding as well. Demo Provided?: No, but Sgt. C. Britton was there. So was Pvt. M. Simpson
  7. Name: geetrinka Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:126488872 Reasons for the Ban: Team Killing Extensively Recommended duration of ban: Permanent Demo Provided?: Pictures: Sanborne was there as well. This person also has a previous 4 day ban for Team Killing.
  8. Name: lexn_lexus Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:602147 Reasons for the Ban: Team Killing outside of spawn then fleeing the server. Recommended duration of ban: Up to admin's discretion. Demo Provided?: N. Witnesses were: A. Cannon, N. Teachey, S. Jones.
  9. Name: SPANKI Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:47786331 Reasons for the Ban: Team Killing 2x, then when warned not to again, Tk's again then flees the server. Recommended duration of ban: At discretion of admin. Demo Provided?: No, but Sgt. R. Tate was there.
  10. The mod is for Mount and Blade Warband
  11. Mount and Blade Full Invasion 2 Mod Link to Mod Hello, I'm putting this up, because a couple of people (including myself) have started playing this mod for Mount and Blade, and we were wondering if more people would possibly be interested. This mod includes a multitude of factions to play as, some including: Characters from the Lord of the Rings, Spartans, Samurai, futuristic soldiers and so on and so forth. If anyone is interested, or has any questions you can add me on Steam. {Pfc. S. Larson [1st MRB]} [NOTE] This mod is 1.1 GB and the download is a little slow, but in the end it is definitely worth the wait! List of Players: 1. Pfc. S. Larson 2. SSgt. D. Sanborne 3. Pfc. R. Koontz 4. brenton |ßÄЯ| 5. Sgt. D. Beuting Videos Screenshots: From Left to Right: Sanborne, Larson, Brenton Sanborne got an elephant... Sanborne on the elephant vs. the Balrog [iMPORTANT!!!] When you download this mod, you MUST rename the folder from "FI2 v0120" to "F12 v0121". If you don't your game will not run correctly!!!
  12. *Gunshot* "THIS IS WHY MOM DOESN'T LOVE YOU!" I nearly fell out of my chair laughing at that part...
  13. I can barely contain the amount of excitement right now...
  14. Happy Birthday sir! Have a great one!
  15. Name: Hello Baymax, I am Deez Nuts Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:112853610 Reasons for the Ban: Team Killing. Fled the server after killing myself and someone else. Recommended duration of ban: 2 Days or more. Demo Provided?: No. Witnesses to this were: Sgt. Britton, and 1stSgt. Candy
  16. Name: Knight Solaire Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:48792655 Reasons for the Ban: Team Killing Recommended duration of ban: Any form of punishment is fine. He had a TK'ing ban for 2 days on 4/25/15 Demo Provided?: Pictures: To show he was on the same team: Where he kills Hunter:
  17. Happy Birthday sir! Have a good one.
  18. This map is already on the server as a custom map. If there is an admin on the server and people want a custom map, he will make a vote. If yes, then the admin will select a list of maps for people to vote on. Strand isn't always on that vote, but when it is... it normally wins. So if the server is full and there is an admin on, ask for a custom and Strand may just pop up.
  19. Well, I share that sentiment. Lol.
  20. Happy Birthday sir, have a good one!
  21. Name: "BADJRMO" Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:12222128 Reasons for the Ban: Team Killing. Walked around the corner, unloaded his entire magazine on me. Recommended duration of ban: More than a week, due to previous multiple bans for Team Killing. List of BADJRMO's Bans Demo Provided?: No, however here are some pictures. His response to me telling him that there was no excuse for him shooting me in the back. His response after I said what I did above.
  22. Japan (41) USA (75) Canada (46) Sweden (23) Germany (56)
  23. Team Britton will prevail!
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