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S. Larson 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by S. Larson 1st MRB

  1. You were originally kicked for spamming voice commands in chat. Then you team wounded A-Q in spawn. Your ban is only a day, and will remain. Once it expires you may return to the server.
  2. Name: anue Steam I.D: Duration of Ban: Permanent Reasons for the Ban: Aimbot Demo Provided?: Yes, Demo File located on this Post Comments: This player was triggering a Headshot on almost every single kill. His stats also have a 100% HS rating, along with an 154% HpK ratio. Link to his GameMe Page
  3. For some reason the demo crashed whenever I tried to view it; however, after reviewing his stats on GameMe, and looking at his event log... it appears pretty apparent that he was using an aimbot, considering almost every single one of his kills triggered a headshot. (Not to mention they were all mostly team kills.) Link to his Event Logs on GameMe There is also his weapon statistics, with 119 kills, and only 5 deaths, his 100% HS ratting, and his 154% HpK I've gone ahead and banned him permanently. Thank you for bringing this to our attention.
  4. Your ban is expired. Topic closed.
  5. Name: B@D Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:9885499 Duration of Ban: Permanent Reasons for the Ban: Bigotry Demo Provided?: No Comments: Refer to this Post
  6. I wanted to lock this thread before some issues arise due to some of the antagonizing remarks you've made in your post. Some examples of these remarks are: So, the player you're referencing was banned for his actions. You do not have the right to come on the forums and then start attacking him after this situation has already been handled. This level of intolerance is not acceptable on this server, and it appears that you cannot control yourself. As a result, your ban has now been upgraded to permanent. This topic is now closed.
  7. Ok, so I'm going to go ahead and lock this topic. To further explain. The reason you were banned was for Revenge Team Killing. Just because someone is team killing on the server, it does not give you the right to go ahead and team kill back. As this will encourage other players to start joining in and start team killing as well. Another thing, yes, our admins have lives outside of a video game and cannot always be on the server. We also do not always have the ability to monitor the server 24/7. Which is why we have this section of our forums here, where in the event we do not have an admin present, you can request for someone to be banned. His ban is right above yours on the SourceBans page. I would suggest you do not try to attack the integrity of our admins, when in this situation did do their due diligence in removing people from the server who were breaking the rules. In conclusion, your ban will stay at the appropriate time of 1 month, and your next ban will be permanent. I highly suggest you read our rules, located HERE before your next return to our server.
  8. Name: TSgt. P. O'Hare [1st MRB] Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:452957617 Duration of Ban: Permanent Reasons for the Ban: Impersonating an MRB member, team killing Demo Provided?: No Comments: Joined the server, this person was using this name and killing team mates.
  9. Name: ROT Hodor Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:426791395 Duration of Ban: Permanent Reasons for the Ban: Team Killing, Racism, and Bigotry Demo Provided?: No. Comments: Was contacted by a public player that this individual was team killing. Upon review of the chat logs, I also found these: Aug 15, 2019 5:05:11 pm can you take the faggy accent out of your mouth please 1st Marine Raider Battalion | HLStatsX | FF | Medic | Aug 15, 2019 4:51:39 pm suck it 1st Marine Raider Battalion | HLStatsX | FF | Medic | Aug 15, 2019 4:51:23 pm wow good job chinky 1st Marine Raider Battalion | HLStatsX | FF | Medic | Aug 15, 2019 4:48:33 pm wow i got killed by some guy with a chink name 1st Marine Raider Battalion | HLStatsX | FF | Medic | Aug 15, 2019 4:47:24 pm no she's not 1st Marine Raider Battalion | HLStatsX | FF | Medic | Link to player's chat log.
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  10. While I appreciate your honesty, I must remind you that in our Server Rules, it states, "No Intentional Team Killing or Team Wounding." If someone is causing a problem on the server, and there is no admin present, you have a few options: 1. Search anyone of the rank SSgt, TSgt., GySgt., MSgt., 1stSgt. or SgtMaj. in our unit and add them to your friends list. Inform them of the situation if they add you. 2. Come to our forums and post a ban request, here is the link for the future for the format, you can create a new topic: Ban Request Form 3. Join our discord server and type in the public_chat channel that someone is team killing and one of our members will take care of it. At no point do we condone revenge team killing, even if the other person is breaking the rules. Please keep that in mind for the future. As for your ban, considering this is your second ban, the ban will remain in place. I highly recommend you read our rules in the MOTD when you rejoin the server, and if you'd like to view them now, here is a link. Server Rules
  11. Ban has been increased to a week.
  12. Hell Let Loose Frequently Asked Questions Have any questions that haven't been asked and answered here? Send a Forum Private Message to S. Larson 1st MRB. There are some other useful posts in this section, so if it's not answered here, it may be answered in another post under our "FAQs" section. How do I enlist into the Hell Let Loose section?: When enlisting, please make sure to answer the question: "Which game are you applying for? (Day of Defeat: Source / Hell Let Loose): " with Hell Let Loose. Are there weapon restrictions?: At this current time, no. However, there will be specific squad types that we use. I.E: a Rifleman squad consists of: 1 officer, 1 automatic rifleman, 3 rifles, and a medic. For more information on this feel free to contact a member about it. What are you doing in terms of official matches?: We will be getting in contact with other units soon to start setting up a protocol for official matches. What do we do at Basic Training? (HLL Specific): The current requirements are as follows: Once accepted as a Recruit, you will remain as a Recruit for 2 weeks from the day of your acceptance. During this time you must play in the server for 15 hours. Once you have completed the above requirements, you can sign up for the next BCT class. We have a BCT class every two weeks. Please keep an eye out for when the next one is made available once you've completed your time requirements! You will be required to know the raider handbook inside and out. A 20 question test will be administered as your BCT Test to become a ranker member in the unit. Unit training is done on a weekly basis and will be conducted on Wednesday and Saturday evenings at 7pm Est, to practice drills and maneuvers as well as communication and leadership skills.
  13. Hell Let Loose Server Information [1st MRB] 1st Marine Raider Battalion | discord.gg/1stmrb IP:
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  14. Thank you for posting, unfortunately if the video crashes, it's hard for us to view it. If you're able to record another one using a third-party software that would be appreciated. If not, no worries. The Senior MPs will be notified to watch for this individual. Topic closed.
  15. Reduced to 1 month, he just recently got off of a one week ban, so maybe he'll learn his lesson this time around.
  16. Name: ap churcilll badasswanker Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:502003043 Duration of Ban: Permanent Reasons for the Ban: Circumventing Permanent Ban Demo Provided?: Y/N Comments: Small noticed similar behavior, upon looking up his IP, noticed it was another alternate account.
  17. Carbine is too much fun.
  18. Name: mEL gIBSON Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:19908017 Duration of Ban: Permanent Reasons for the Ban: Racism Demo Provided?: No. Comments: Use of the N-word despite being warned not to. Banned originally by Cpl. Crafton, but upgraded by myself.
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