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WatchUrStep's Achievements

Forum Newbie

Forum Newbie (1/91)



  1. Thank you sir. I'll keep myself in check while enjoying your server.
  2. Name: Current name: WatchUrStep ☆₥ρH☆ Previous Names: More Cow Bell [sAC]/C. Bartosic [6th RB] Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:3690083 0 Date & Time of ban: Unknown Admin who banned you: Unknown Excuse for the Unban: I believe I was originally banned during the 6th/1st MRB Split. I'm unaware of any ban from the server, but tried to follow Aggie in and realize I must have been perma banned at one time. If I was banned for another reason, please let me know and I'll make an attempt to determine my reasoning for being banned. Alcohol may or may not have been involved. Thank you.
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