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C. Thompson

Distinguished Civilian
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Everything posted by C. Thompson

  1. Thank you much, yes it has been awhile life got busy for me.
  2. I no longer have access tot he email or anything related to my old account and i would like to get it back. it is C. Thompson
  3. got it on preorder the collecter addition
  4. During Practice *i fire a grenade at everyone lined up, Pfc. J. Mcree turns and looks at it next to him as it blows up* *me* "Mcree why did you just turn and look at that and not run?" *Mcree* " Im dead inside sir. most unexpected yet best responce
  5. Name: Total Faggot Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:174653663 Duration of Ban: Perm Reasons for the Ban: He entered the server with his name being a derogitory name, after being told it breaks server rules and to change it he grabbed a machine gun and proceeded to kill his team in spawn. Demo Provided?: N Comments: helm, Ouch and Pdid where present 0
  6. Name: dodge Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:19269096 Duration of Ban: Perm Reasons for the Ban: upon entering server he had a score of -23 and attempted to do name chages to keep from getting kicked or banned. Demo Provided?: N Comments:
  7. wow just wow
  8. i feel so bad for that guy lol
  9. Not sure how to move post so i can run another MOS. i need to move all the old posts to the mos archives.
  10. Name: cuckold Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:63059894 Duration of Ban: Perm Reasons for the Ban: he sprayed a porn picture. than when i told him no and removed it he called me a faggot Demo Provided?: N Comments: Ohare was present
  11. Name: Mace Windu Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:7748292 Duration of Ban: Perm Reasons for the Ban: Racism, he was warned multiple times and continued useing banned words. Demo Provided?: N Comments: Norris, a few Bar members, and Brown where present
  12. Happy Birthday !!!!!
  13. Name: Shundos Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:33974104 Reasons for the Ban: Imporonating an admin, threats to kick and ban player on the server Recommended duration of ban:Perm Demo Provided?: Y/N witnessed by Gougeon, Helm , Darcy, Norris, Magic
  14. 2nd Lt Quarterman LMAO
  15. the server is being updated so give it a bit.
  16. 62 years old today. Gotta say after that long and all the hell you have given to this planet i hope you have many more years of hell to give. Semper Fi lol
  17. if i remeber my college classes correctly. thats a form of mesuremtn when dealing when energy and if im correct thermodynamic energy in particular.
  18. This issue has been resolved
  19. we had this discussion before. theres one day a month your not drunk. so ya....
  20. Britton is so good for this. hes drunk 98% of the time and says some of the dumbest shit ever lol
  21. Name: Mr.Orange Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:88919455 Reasons for the Ban: Tk than fled the server Recommended duration of ban: your discression Demo Provided?: N/ SSgt Gougeon was present
  22. I got on the server he was -5. It has been taken care of.
  23. i think its great when someone post there own evidence lol
  24. i have both of those as well
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